Sign up to use PPSSPP and play your legal back up copy of Monster Hunter on HunsterVerse

HunsterVerse is a simple P2P VPN similar to Evolve. It is easy to join and easy to setup!

Here are the reasons to join:
  • 0) You can PLAY YOUR PSP COPY of Monster Hunter (MHF1, MHF2, MHFU, and MHP3rd) ONLINE using PPSSPP!
  • 1) No need to port-forward
  • 2) Fast P2P connection
  • 3) No Region Lock meaning US/EU/JP versions of MH can play together.
  • 4) Gathering Hall Status page both on here GH Status Page and On discord by typing !gh command (and much much more!)
  • 5) It is Free (but feel free to donate to support this project). I would like to see over 9,000 people hunting at the same time.
  • 6) The main rules are: Be nice to everyone and No Cheating. Instead of cheating just get good at the game ;).
Here is one Review: more reviews here
Thanks Dajouri[Mex]
Note: Just like Monster Hunter, these instructions can be a little long and a little difficult for some people, but once you get them done, it's worth it! So please, read everything and do not skip any steps :)

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