Tip#7877:>:/ Da hell?? You want to spam my ass? ... I hope Genprey Para you in front of Tiggy charge. You piece of shit!--Īrxx#8631Tip#7876:tiperino addederino, thanks tiperino 590--Ujang#3305Tip#7875:use the analog stick to move around in the game--Coconut#3640Tip#7874:i am more cleverer than Mightyzack--š„„De Kokonutš„„#6017Tip#7873:why are u always Hornyetaur?--š„„De Kokonutš„„#6017Tip#7872:actual tip, dont be thirsty, nargacugas aint that bootiful--El(0.0)#6973Tip#7870:MESSAGEHERE, thx tip 3169--š„„De Kokonutš„„#6017Tip#7869:i am retired--š„„De Kokonutš„„#6017Tip#7868:i wanna hold youuuu like how my stomach holds poooooo--š„„De Kokonutš„„#6017Tip#7867:don't add unnecessary tips--Reality_Cloud#2320Tip#7866:if you are lost for words , go report it to da cops to find em--š„„De Kokonutš„„#6017Tip#7865:always say always or never say never, which one is better?--š„„De Kokonutš„„#6017Tip#7864:Don't !tip, u dumb dumb--š„„De Kokonutš„„#6017Tip#7863:fun facts Mightyzack is a women--š„„De Kokonutš„„#6017Tip#7862:If you flash a flying monster stay away from it you dumb shit.--Niko8#6971Tip#7861:beer is kill real peopke (no capm)--ZoaC#4899Tip#7860:We have no record of Tip #7860 I mean we do have it, but we won't show it.--š„„De Kokonutš„„#6017Tip#7859:tip 3030 sounds like tip dirty dirty...--š„„De Kokonutš„„#6017Tip#7858:stop smoking too much otherwise your Lao-Shan Lung will be affected negatively--š„„De Kokonutš„„#6017Tip#7857:b.blos screams so much don't they? it's okay, they are just voicing out BLM campaign--3periode#2276