Tip#10410:Red khezu is totally weak to fire and if you hear otherwise it's wrong <:beegsmile:934270634018603068>--pokabear433#0Tip#10409:dying is gay--creativemankey_09480#0Tip#10408:worst will break off from group due to having the best connection <:beegsmile:934270634018603068>--pokabear433#0Tip#10407:Gunlance's guard poke in FU has slower animation than F2--gtswdcllectr#0Tip#10406:The minimum sharpness level for blademaster weapons to not bounce in FU's G rank quest is higher than low and high rank one--gtswdcllectr#0Tip#10405:When you don't respect me I don't have to respect you--elisabezth#0Tip#10404:There's a specific sound effect when you hit monster's weakpoint (this can be applied for both blademasters and gunners)--gtswdcllectr#0Tip#10403:teostra is the worst monster in mhfu and only exists to ruin your day with his claw spam--pokabear433#0Tip#10402:Fatalis tastes like beef https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/120889695658967041/1283077473470255155/IMG_0137.jpg?ex=66e1ae84&is=66e05d04&hm=19eeadbbcef1a6b4b461eec3533346939cd21915c0ac28dce004a47ef9ee7dda&--vul_tera#0Tip#10401:If your item are stolen by Melynx, there's a chance that you can only take Insect Husk back in their den. Felyne Frugality reduce the chance that you may get it--gtswdcllectr#0Tip#10399:Treasure hunting quest is exclusive to PS titles--gtswdcllectr#0Tip#10398:!c dungbomb dumkenais--xtheborderline#0Tip#10397:believe it or not, zino's supercharged state has more opening than the charged state. Or maybe it's just me...--niko8.#0Tip#10396:From gen 2, Pitfall Trap no longer can be settled in the ground which has a strong stream of water flowing through--gtswdcllectr#0Tip#10395:Kirin is fairly easy to kill and has parts that sell for good zenny--pokabear433#0Tip#10394:always gather everything u can from pokke farm between hunt ( not fishing tho just use casting machine)--1_dont_k#0Tip#10393:ya'll are gae--nereus_verdict#0Tip#10392:If you play 4u, forget doing online (mobile user)--sharonmyoi#0Tip#10391:Most of ancient weapons only get big dragon elements since gen 3, however the tradeback is lower sharpness level--gtswdcllectr#0Tip#10390:unsubscribe my channel--adam1700#0