Tip#7898:Person above is above--Ron#1005Tip#7897:if u like cock(male chicken) then u have an impeckable taste--š„„De Kokonutš„„#6017Tip#7896:"If u are dexterity build u have to be lucky everytime to dodge but if u are strength build u only need to be lucky once to win" Sun Tzu -----Art of PVP--Failed One#5824Tip#7895:with great power comes greatly slow moveset--Īrxx#8631Tip#7894:stay halal and stay focused--š„„De Kokonutš„„#6017Tip#7893:All Patapons return to Hatapon! Hatapon is the central unit in your army, all Patapons will congregate around Hatapon after moving around. This makes Hatapon a vital unit, and their death will mark the end of your quest.--DeathninjaTip#7892:pc, laptop or any other devices are trash compared to mobiles and fyuk ur opinion--š„„De Kokonutš„„#6017Tip#7891:do food have souls? And u fart them out?--š„„De Kokonutš„„#6017Tip#7890:With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility ----------by Joe Mama--Failed One#5824Tip#7889:time u make u teosted--š„„De Kokonutš„„#6017Tip#7888:i still can't believe Arab belongs in Asia--3periode#2276Tip#7887:coconuts do be lookin breedable ngl--š„„De Kokonutš„„#6017Tip#7886:Islam is a true religion--Fuzz#1637Tip#7885:seggs after marriage only--š„„De Kokonutš„„#6017Tip#7884:this is not a tip, my balls just hurt, i see nobodys got the drip, take off your shirt, you dont deserve wearing shit, drop all them curt-ains and ill show u how to grow two balls and how to flirt--Īrxx#8631Tip#7883:this is not a tip, my balls just hurt--Niko8#6971Tip#7882:people are like raisins, they ruin everything--Draco239#3254Tip#7881:can i duramborrow some gourmet steak?--š„„De Kokonutš„„#6017Tip#7880:hunsterverse bot is big dumb stupid low IQ and yes stupid too--š„„De Kokonutš„„#6017Tip#7879:THE ONE PIECE IS REEEEAAAALLLL--El(0.0)#6973