Tip#6738:tip 3000 is actually a tip--Daigo vandemeter#2551Tip#6737:"i think i can settle for the dick" ~Lord Xiu--Teq WyvernClaw#0685Tip#6736:always do lao-ndry before doing lao-shan hunts, who knows it might bring luck.--ãƒã‚¶ãƒ€#3261Tip#6735:I'm extremely pr0--Acheron#8250Tip#6734:I'm a pro hunter--Acheron#8250Tip#6732:if you see someone bringing para knife and 100% para'd a monster, thats aang!--ãƒã‚¶ãƒ€#3261Tip#6731:If you say *'parkour!'* and you jump off a building, that's just a failed stunt not suicide.--emraven#6467Tip#6730:jels wisdom = 999999999--Arxx#9709Tip#6635:lalalalalal--BaByLoSoLite#7547Tip#6631:Do not use thy savestate, for thy savestate be ruined shall and may become your own demise.--ï¾ï¾˜ï½²ï½º#3261Tip#6630:always add all cart in shop for arxx--ï¾ï¾˜ï½²ï½º#3261Tip#6598:transgender people want to be accepted for who they are, yet they weren't able to accept themselves for who they were--illa#6725Tip#6595:My German girlfriend rates my sexual performance on a scale of 1-10--Arxx#9709Tip#6594:What's worse than ants in your pants? ...uncles--Arxx#9709Tip#6592:always reserve 1 cart for arxx--ï¾ï¾˜ï½²ï½º#3261Tip#6591:roll spamming with your hh unsheathed is faster than unsheathed roll spamming--Arxx#9709Tip#6590:when the pr0s start leaving the server it's up to the noobs to become pr0s.. in other words, git gud for your own gud mfks--RedfoXXX99#7911Tip#6589:mhfu is very easy af--Acheron#8250Tip#6588:to kill tigrex easily always time for the head when he is gonna aim at you--Ph4nt0m#7814Tip#6587:long sword best weapon in the game ever--its iyed#4013