Tip#6192:Any monsters thats weak to dragon deals dragon damage--DG Orsted#7249Tip#6191:Hey Bois, Finally i already played with GodDeka.Damm he made me so Horny on raped Monster Respect You My God--BaByLoSoLite#7547Tip#6133:to git gud watch arxx or make pfp of dahyun--Mina🌺#2101Tip#6132:Watch arxx randomly to git gud--DG Orsted#7249Tip#6131:time will come you'll stop playing, so enjoy as much as possible while you're at it.--emraven#6467Tip#6128:giving up is better than losing everything.--Valentine#2146Tip#6127:it gets easier--Rei#2098Tip#6126:just dont die--Seddoggo#1592Tip#6062:"tips are not at all interesting" -teq--Rei#2098Tip#6046:If your HH just keep on bouncing off, go back to LS. --Joystick SlayerTip#6044:Shut up Bois,SERVER still down.Wait for ZACK cumm to fix this shit problem.Go get some fap you Horny bois!!--BaByLoSoLite#7547Tip#6043:Never @Reivax--Reivax#8154Tip#6042:The prophecy is TRUE. The Akantor Broadsword cuts through anything!--Jimberg Peñaflorida#1956Tip#6041:Before doing tip 6040, do tip 5979 first.--Vinegar Doppio#6546Tip#6040:If you can't understand what tip 5108 says, try tip 6039 instead.--Vinegar Doppio#6546Tip#6039:Icha my love.--Vinegar Doppio#6546Tip#5979:The person I mentioned on tip 5108 was illa.--Vinegar Doppio#6546Tip#5977:jells is one of the proest mh vet in le hunsterverse ðŸ™--~ZoaC~#3301Tip#5976:pray to eurley so you never get dc anymore--Arxx#9709Tip#5975:stop peeking at my tips--illa#9999