Tip#3507:BTS BIOT BTS BIOT BTS BIoT--straight guyTip#3506:ask age before you tomchoke, no accidents--fufu~#3367Tip#3505:If you ever seen a cheater. Don't mind them cheating cause they have smol pp's.--ï¾ï¾˜ï½²ï½º#3261Tip#3504:what do you call a black beggar? a Negg---Arius#6969Tip#3503:when someone uses flash on teostra, just leave and never again invite the guy back--ï¾ï¾˜ï½²ï½º#3261Tip#3499:<@335539000066572289> "always go raw"--Arius#6969Tip#3496:⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀--zeku#3333Tip#3495:when i eat kirin cheese with (Gold Rice, Heaven Bread, Soul Beans) my health will decrease to 50% and easy to activate the adrenaline skill or heroics.--âš” Arben Braveheart ⛨#3618Tip#3494:lies, ur mh veteran I swear to gdo--Flauren#2081Tip#3493:definitely fucking not--Arxx#9709Tip#3492:wbu arxx are you mh god too?--Flauren#2081Tip#3491:indeed Poko is--Flauren#2081Tip#3490:Poko is literally HV MHGod--Arxx#9709Tip#3481:If you got muted, sleep tight. Chat another day--ï¾ï¾˜ï½²ï½º#3261Tip#3480:If you are a cheater, get boosted so your guildcard won't be too suspicious--ï¾ï¾˜ï½²ï½º#3261Tip#3479:use cheat to feel pro--ï¾ï¾˜ï½²ï½º#3261Tip#3473:Wanna see the full list of challenges? Type ~~~!c flex Poko#5572~~~ to see em all--Zero|#6900Tip#3469:If you found a cheater, use a bomber set and kill them online--ï¾ï¾˜ï½²ï½º#3261Tip#3468:Greed it's good--Teq#6696Tip#3467:in every hunter, there is one magician out of 100--真リイコ#3261