Tip#3153:hehehe hehehehehe--Arxx#6631Tip#3152:When your bored just ask a blind person to come watch the sunset with you.--StarDust1800#4614Tip#3151:im mightyzack pls call me,im a super hot girl and my new number is 074356879921--ANONYMOUS#6366Tip#3150:The gunlance has two parts, the gun and the lance.--HikkunaTip#3149:it's good because heavy metal and Megadeth--Wandamen46#7071Tip#3148:happy pro sns--Arxx#6631Tip#3147:"If you fall, i'll be there" - Floor--ZoaC#1057Tip#3146:How to kill Gravios: Squirt all over him :spilledmilk--🎄℠Snowy LinuX! â„🎄#1195Tip#3145:"f*ck you arxx" - Tyrant 3 February 2021--Toreno#1185Tip#3144:never put a shock trap too close to a another shock trap--ZoaC#1057Tip#3143:Linux is cringe--StarDust1800#4614Tip#3142:use gunner when serporro is on your team--Arxx#6631Tip#3140:Always remember if your going to die, Use the Joestar secret technique.--Grim Patron#5124Tip#3138:don't lewd K-ON, it's illegal (also evil)--Wandamen46#7071Tip#3137:Ask in discord first before entering a gh--Arxx#6631Tip#3136:feel free to snipe arxxx--Cute name#8607Tip#3135:blakfox is so pr0 doesnt need weapon just throws the weapons and monster dies--Toreno#1185Tip#3134:Swall is MHFU God--Arxx#6631Tip#3133:ban zoac gae--BobbyDaGorila#4277Tip#3132:gorila ban for addtip spam--ZoaC#1057