Tip#3068:"aigo" cult will hunt you in your game, hunter.--Naigo#5362Tip#3067:i miss the old boys <:feelsbadman:326389182597562368>--Naigo#5362Tip#3066:bow before <@685325069152681984>, mhfu pr0--Tequila_Thompson#9996Tip#3065:"I got MightyZack's GC I can now die with no regrets" -LinuX--Aleph#6989Tip#3064:LinuX has Zack's mhfu gc--Flauren#2081Tip#3063:linuX is a BaD Os--ZoaC#1057Tip#3062:Tequilla pr0--LinuX#1195Tip#3061:What is Simple Equation? A mathematical equation which represents the relationship of two expressions on either side of the sign. It mostly has one variable and equal to symbol. Example: 2x – 4 = 2.--ZoaC#1057Tip#3060:There are no accidents - Master oogway--JesterAlfred#1358Tip#3059:shit tip is shit--Arxx#6631Tip#3058:Zoac is pr0 (part 2), he did a melee jang run naked--Arxx#6631Tip#3057:ZoaC is pr0, he did Hunter's Funeral naked, twice--Arxx#6631Tip#3056:ndogmu gedi siseh <:kekw:705165573394399383>--Deka#8151Tip#3055:clear or Finnish your low rank village quest first or finnish Nekoht quest to--JesterAlfred#1358Tip#3054:Fish used the cheat to destroy a cheater ironic--JesterAlfred#1358Tip#3053:never trust people who use akantor fullset with bishop talisman--illa#4713Tip#3052:don't judge the cover by the book <:peposad:721797567674974290>--ZoaC#1057Tip#3051:use !addtip to add tips--Arxx#6631Tip#3050:TEQ IS THE PR0 OF ALL MH--BobbyDaMonke#4277Tip#3049:Ravager Blade+ staggers LR tiggy with a lv3 charge (MHFU)--LinuX#1195