Tip#3048:Make a donation so you can donate.--🎃 Jelly Raindrop 🎃#7117Tip#3047:fun fact: <@!582621515854381066> sucks at hh--LinuX#1195Tip#3046:Duramboros is ticklish. So (if you can) tickle its legs while it's spinning. That'll make it go rolling on the floor laughing.--UlviraeTip#3045:cum cum cum cum cum pussy bitch semen fuck er right in the viagana you lettuce fucking bitch--StarDust1800#4614Tip#3044:use shock trap when a angry thunderwolf in charge mode--Crewmate?#7159Tip#3043:never write proper sentences in this server--Spyraklas#3277Tip#3042:use mix armor to get a taunt skill and you will always get targated by a monster and you will die--Crewmate?#7159Tip#3040:Dont flash on rajang, it makes him hard. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)--Arxx#6631Tip#3039:There is no such thing as a skilled hunter.
Hunters sweat and bleed for their coveted status as 'skilled'.
All this really means is that the master has failed far more times than the beginner has tried.--Ender3Guy#4387Tip#3038:You can win all battles without armor, just use your hands.--AnonTip#3037:"I'm getting too old for this"--alimaanih#6406Tip#3036:You will never become rich by selling Pawprint Stamp. --JoyJoyTip#3035:<@693527574386573362>--Zeku#7415Tip#3034:high rank armor is good enough for g rank. you dont need gear, you need skill. Now go practice--Arxx#6631Tip#3033:you dont need tips, you need to practice hunting. GO!--Arxx#6631Tip#3032:Donate to zack to unlock this tip.--Arxx#6631Tip#3031:Get DLC so you can buy raw meat, flash bugs, and many more from peddler in MHFU--Arxx#6631Tip#3030:When you get stunned, make circles with the joystick and spam x button to recover quickly--Arxx#6631Tip#3029:Flash bomb the plesioth when it hides in the old desert cave so you wont have to wait 10 minutes for it to come back--Arxx#6631Tip#3028:class hinders your hunts. consider dropping out so you can focus on hunts better <:problem:784094009172688916>--Arxx#6631