Tip#2944:Tip 2943 is a lie--bacio#5653Tip#2943:I'm Handsome--Aldyson#0918Tip#2942:diavlos tail has the best hitbox u will ever seen--Daigo#2551Tip#2941:There is a rummor about Deka Haunted every channel in this Server--Forgotten player#7066Tip#2940:Tequila is the biggest simp i have ever seen and he like cats girl--Katto[TeamHappyAlways]#9144Tip#2939:NEVER EVER POST ANY K-ON LEWD!--Wandamen46#7071Tip#2938:Do not use online GHs if you are gonna go quests alone.--Flauren#2081Tip#2937:Let the Hammer user aims the head you lazy LS user fak--Flauren#2081Tip#2936:Solo your fucking uregnts, you carried bit---LinuX#1195Tip#2935:aldy was a first guy to type !c avatar on a user name Charli--LinuX#1195Tip#2934:most of the GIRL in Game are Guy In The Real Life--Forgotten player#7066Tip#2933:trust me 70% tip are suck--Forgotten player#7066Tip#2932:Diago like kiss him--Spin#8095Tip#2931:Dont talk about Turkish dramas when Vid#1983 is near, ok?--LinuX#1195Tip#2930:what u hope?--Forgotten player#7066Tip#2929:true hunter doesn't need armor--Forgotten player#7066Tip#2928:dont hope too much on Hunsterverse tip--Forgotten player#7066Tip#2927:you are not lolicon if u still under age--Forgotten player#7066Tip#2926:Alatreon has no clown... Wait, I mean crown...... <:rules:749809720017158244>--🎃Jelly Raindrop (SpaceBoy)🎃#7117Tip#2925:"Best way to support a team with a HH is if the monster is dead." - Herny--LinuX#1195