Tip#2817:the gray head is beautiful when adorning the Richeous--datdatdat#0260Tip#2816:if a man finds a wife he has found a good thing.--datdatdat#0260Tip#2815:A Curse Retaliated with a curse will result in a curse.--datdatdat#0260Tip#2814:life is not the curse. The curse is death.--datdatdat#0260Tip#2813:if you have a conflict with anyone tell them one on one and if they listen you have gained them.--datdatdat#0260Tip#2812:The Road To Destruction Is Broad And Many Walk On It.--datdatdat#0260Tip#2811:The Path That Leads To Life Is Narrow, And Few Find It.--datdatdat#0260Tip#2810:The Fear Of The Lord Is The Beggining Of Wisdom.--datdatdat#0260Tip#2809:Trouble Does Not Last, So Do Good--datdatdat#0260Tip#2808:All Good Things Are From The Creator--datdatdat#0260Tip#2807:stay single and know The Son Of Man.--datdatdat#0260Tip#2806:Always Smoke in Private--datdatdat#0260Tip#2805:do not accept the person of the wicked in judgment.--datdatdat#0260Tip#2804:take the lowest seat and give thanks to the Creator.--datdatdat#0260Tip#2803:when you enter a house salute it and if it is worthy let your peace come upon it.--datdatdat#0260Tip#2802:it is better to be called up than to presumtuously Approach the King.--datdatdat#0260Tip#2801:do not think perverse thoughts of strangers especially women.--datdatdat#0260Tip#2800:love your Creator, And Love your neighbor. This is great advice.--datdatdat#0260Tip#2799:seek and you shall find, knock and it will be opened to you, ask and it shall be given to you.--datdatdat#0260Tip#2798:save some tips for someone else <:triggered:335722273270923265>--RedfoXXX99#7911