Tip#2595:there are a lot of Marks now--Mark Of Curia#8722Tip#2594:instead of using the bow, use the arrow instead to melee--デニエル(Deniel)#0583Tip#2593:Mameer is a BFIYAW GBFYLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLCDUWVCBAANIOBYVDFA UIBCLUIBANCBABNDWACUOYBDNAIOU IOCNU bruh abv2wbycuAbwd uklbkacgv 🙂--ooGGA MOOOAG#6343Tip#2592:when fish is angry...RUN!--WillTheHunter#8987Tip#2591:Randy the RNG will never die, to trick him you have to cry. He enjoys to see us mad, thats the kind of this bastard.--WillTheHunter#8987Tip#2590:Mameer stinkeee--ooGGA MOOOAG#6343Tip#2589:to finish a quest succesfully , quit dying !!--Mameer#6726Tip#2588:Remember to !aq early so you can deport those invading snipers back to their homeland--Indigo#2104Tip#2587:Protection is just budget guts, change my mind--PileBunkerA4#2109Tip#2586:Kick all invaders, no mercy.--Indigo#2104Tip#2585:always throw dung at a monster when it is enraged--『Weebã€#7448Tip#2584:https://gfycat.com/assuredplushaustraliankelpie--TCBird#2854Tip#2583:If you need any kind of armor, don't go for Nibelshit Armor. It makes you look like a block and has shit offensive stats, not to mention Nibelsnarf is a gimmicky fuck anyway--Mark Of Curia#8722Tip#2582:don't flash zinogre you weirdo it gets charged--dissgussting#4778Tip#2581:It's already too late--Mark Of Curia#8722Tip#2580:don't tell Mark--PrinnyJinn#5408Tip#2579:silos is never the answer--PrinnyJinn#5408Tip#2578:demonic protection will always save your life--Eksy#0156Tip#2577:the secondprevious tip was a lie--*Ded*-λqua#7351Tip#2576:When in doubt use bombs i mean alot of it dood!!!--Aldyson#0918