Tip#2414:if you are really, reaally far away from your teammates when they find the monster, Use the time to harvest everything,--MarkDenielle#8722Tip#2413:don't !c aq then switch gh. ALSO remember to !c rq--PrinnyJinn#5408Tip#2412:always remember MHP3RD is for Sadist and MHFU is for Masochist ¯_(ツ)_/¯--PrinnyJinn#5408Tip#2410:*Hjönk Hjönk Hjönk Hjönk Hjönk Hjönk Hjönk Hjönk* <:Kirbo:663517563145289738>--Zhayne#0987Tip#2409:touch ian/los eggs when you don't know where is it, and it will come to u (☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞--PrinnyJinn#5408Tip#2408:Anything with a head is hammerable, so don't get mad when male chars gets to fly often ¯_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯--PrinnyJinn#5408Tip#2407:!addtip adds tips--MarkDenielle#8722Tip#2406:God help you if you looked for HR hunters and All the people in there are HR1--MarkDenielle#8722Tip#2405:press select to skip cutscenes--FireIce#7763Tip#2404:Pull the analog stick out of your bum and wiggle it to quickly break off the stunned status.--Joystick SlayerTip#2403:Best way to avoid continuous pellet shots is to leave. Bye!--Sir Pellet McSpamTip#2402:when you use gs or hammer always make sure one or two of your teammates are in the air--StateOfCalamity#2955Tip#2401:dual blade users can ignore pellet, if they still complain, shove a mega dash juice up their ass--Eksy#0156Tip#2400:when the Monster falls asleep, don't forget your bombs or your status items--MarkDenielle#8722Tip#2399:Stop sniping people's halls. Go find an empty one, you idiot.--Indigo#2104Tip#2398:You can use the anti-dragon bombs in shen gaoren by jumping in it's mouth on the bridge--Eksy#0156Tip#2397:You're beautiful NOOOOOT--Deniel#0583Tip#2396:don't rush the people helping you, you ungrateful pig--Eksy#0156Tip#2395:check your weaknesses,--MarkDenielle#8722Tip#2394:Don't ask "what's the best weapon," if you use all weapons like shit, they'll all be equal shit in your hands--Indigo#2104