Tip#2373:avoid walls.. because u can't see while in corner--Zenova#2878Tip#2372:Kelley LOVES Anime--Deniel#0583Tip#2371:Wear the Jaggi mask to yip!--The Not-So-Great JaggiTip#2370:[MHP3rd Hunting Horn] Learn to hit things with the back slam. You will find that it is way better than the knock-my-team-away slam. --UlviraeTip#2369:bring a welding mask to hunt with xXAzrianneXx--E L Z Y C 4#4876Tip#2368:when fighting two monsters in one arena use smoke bomb and not flash bomb because the hunt will be fcked--Deniel#0583Tip#2367:Soloing dlc alatreon requires a strong mind, body and soul--Deniel#0583Tip#2366:If all goes wrong, you can always delete your savefile to end your misery.--Kelley#5764Tip#2364:nobody is perfect, I'm nobody so I'm perfect *Big brain*--$harpEy3#2750Tip#2363:IMMA POOP HUNSTERVERSE DON'T COMPLAIN ON MY SHIT--$harpEy3#2750Tip#2362:deka likes nutsacks--$harpEy3#2750Tip#2361:Demha and KennewG wre both great hunters i pay my respect to them F--Deniel#0583Tip#2360:Don't use throwing knives unless on a certain quest<:yeahboi:338703726514798592> <:yeahboi:338703726514798592>--Deniel#0583Tip#2359:Gore magala has eyes<:zinokek:582790406253707274>--$harpEy3#2750Tip#2358:deka likes to say "NO U" to those who are raging--$harpEy3#2750Tip#2357:Don't Spend On Grinding Silos if you don't have Teammates--$harpEy3#2750Tip#2356:when in doubt, wander about!--Wesley021404#0562Tip#2355:remember to sleep--Arekizu#2652Tip#2354:D O N ' T S P O I L P U P P I E S--JiVus#9583Tip#2353:Did you know that GS is the most superior weapon in the game?--FuZe_BoMb#9046