Tip#2311:when you see yellow spark when fighting teostra.. its mean far explosion.. orange spark.. its near explosion..--Zenova Bluesky#2878Tip#2310:Tip #8 is for bowgunners--Neo's Neo Ice Cr3am#4591Tip#2309:Plesioth is still broken till this day--Neo's Neo Ice Cr3am#4591Tip#2308:Gaoren and Lao fights are boring af--Neo's Neo Ice Cr3am#4591Tip#2307:don't forget joe!--m1nus1 [Jon]#0934Tip#2304:Trap all monsters for an award on your guild card.--Eriel#7671Tip#2303:Deka doesn't have a kontol--Izuna#5387Tip#2301:don't help weaklings it just waste your time--PlatNums#8495Tip#2300:YOU! YES YOU! SEND ME YOUR GUILD CARD!--FireIce#7763Tip#2299:don't ping each other using /afk command--FireIce#7763Tip#2298:ADVANCE MERRY XMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR--|Licht|🌨#9815Tip#2297:Congratulations, you found this "You are retarded" tip--Izuna#5387Tip#2296:putang means deka--Takemikazuchi#1923Tip#2295:if you cheat u will get reported by FireIce#7763 so be careful my cheater friend--AxelDavid50#9540Tip#2294:you're retarded--Stygian#9203Tip#2293:cheat so you get a free role :)--HunterJayze#6825Tip#2292:!addtip will be overused someday. Just wait--Izuna#5387Tip#2291:i dont know--Takemikazuchi#1923Tip#2290:no one is going to help you to unlock a elder dragon do it by ur self nub and git gud--AxelDavid50#9540Tip#2289:Lenka is hiding bodies in his basement pls call 911--HunterJayze#6825