Tip#2207:Vespoids are much more aggresive in Freedom so, keep moving around. --JoyJoy Tip#2206:Bran + Milk is the best food combination in Unite, be sure to eat that before any hunts. --JoyJoy Tip#2205:To quickly deliver egg or powderstone, use farcaster after pressing x button. --JoyJoy Tip#2204:a real hunter is not hunting, but looting--Yvade#6220Tip#2203:Don't forget when you need rare carve, pet your pig before going to hunt. --JoyJoy Tip#2202:Don't forget when you need rare carve, pet your pig before going to hunt. --JoyJoy Tip#2201:You can have Poison Pellet effect shot by throwing poison bomb and shoot a pellet in the smoke right away. --JoyJoy Tip#2200:read tip 2199 <:okcat:340497656281432075>--Mustard#2073Tip#2199:Kids don't use drugs ðŸƒ--Mustard#2073Tip#2198:you get milktea when you add milk to tea--cheshire#9178Tip#2197:Givency has horrible connectiong **change my mind**--8078#8078Tip#2196:dont use potion after dodging tigrex running attack, he knows da wae--còℓ∂ ° нαвäηεÑó#5638Tip#2195:Pornhub is better than XVideos <:okcat:340497656281432075>--Mustard#2073Tip#2194:don't use guts against fattyðŸ¸--givenchy#5634Tip#2193:Kids Dont Use Drugs <:okcat:340497656281432075>--Mustard#2073Tip#2192:press F to respawn--Kisoome#7411Tip#2191:If someone called Deka to want play with you, dont play hes noob <:problem:338245734392528906>--Mustard#2073Tip#2190:Big badonkadonks with bacon on top.--Wait this isn't GoogleTip#2189:ever heard about deaf people joke? neither have they--Raw#2448Tip#2188:-Tips for fighting G rank crimson fatalis and white fatalis. (BladeMaster)--Goddrag#6707