Tip#2065:Miku Miku ni Shite Ageru♪ (ã¿ãã¿ãã«ã—ã¦ã‚ã’る♪) play this if you hunt 😉--Hatsune MikuâåˆéŸ³ãƒŸã‚¯âTip#2064:berdoalah<:yeahboi:338703726514798592>--dbzkaiserZ#9573Tip#2063:send nudes to xenthos and get instant 2000hvfp--Kisoome#7411Tip#2062:Pm Xenthos to get instant 500 hvfp--santh0#3931Tip#2061:Kill it, Grind it, Wear it and Repeat--Jebbo#5507Tip#2060:if you need a rare item,just call me. i want it.--Wandamen46#7071Tip#2059:you upswing me,i pellet you.--Wandamen46#7071Tip#2058:G-rank Vespoids and Genpreys has 9999 Para attribute--@GEKKOTip#2057:You can not hide from Vespoids. --JoyJoy Tip#2056:Chepalos will be more aggressive with Chepadrome around. --JoyJoy Tip#2055:if you're using a mediocre device, then 8 Frameskips and 1x Resolution would be nice to keep you from breaking off. But unfortunately, it comes with mental and visual risk.--Orrhyd#9968Tip#2054:If you clear a quest without self healing, your restorative item will stay the same as you start the quest. --JoyJoy Tip#2053:When you play Evade Lance, make sure you have enough stamina for sidestep or backhop. --JoyJoy Tip#2052:donate for more tip--Renato#1631Tip#2051:You shouldn't hunt when you feel like skidipap swadikap ahoy mlehoy hiyah hiyah slebew hurah hurah. It makes your performance impaired.--Orrhyd#9968Tip#2050:"if you want to be monster hunters, you have to hunting a monster<:GWjiangoPepeGenius:398568908971573248>"--dbzkaiserZ#9573Tip#2049:epic gamers are gei--Aino#6988Tip#2048:switch axe user? if u recharge before the scream or change-save the weapon, it'll be instantly recharged-changed-saved :yeahboi: --AbanicadorDePavos(DaFrik#4906)Tip#2047:Sharp Sword skill will give you more blood effect on monster cuz your weapon is now more sharp than the previous sharp. --JoyJoy Tip#2046:Bow shooting position : Scatter - 1-2 hops away, Rapid - 3-4 hops away, Pierce - 4-5 hops away, use your backhop for measuring the distance.--Liberta Veronica [Stay With Me]#9231