Tip#2108:Min can not use Gun Lance!--Denka#9999Tip#2107:"If u are too damn boring bc u can't kill monster, find a Newbs => join it's qst => place sum L.Barrels + => wait for it to stay near => KBOOOM. U already killed a monster in day futu re "--VIOLENT#3645Tip#2106:"If u see ur boi have heroics... GRAB SOME LIFE POWER, FAST "--VIOLENT#3645Tip#2105:"Don't wanna die? Add Shield beech "--VIOLENT#3645Tip#2104:"Don't worry if your def is too damn shitty ~~Just sip~~ ... I meant let's play gunner"--VIOLENT#3645Tip#2103:this is a tip<--lvmilipad v3 .[[#8338Tip#2102:"If you met sumthin hard... Let's sip"--VIOLENT#3645Tip#2101:hi and good bye--D4RKST4R87#1406Tip#2100:Don't call yourself FU addict if you haven't killed 100 Lao Shan Lung.--JoyJoyTip#2099:Got acidballed by Gaoren and you got yourself your precious Heavenly.--RAR#6195Tip#2098:agjipe aegpeag--RAR#6195Tip#2097:"always prepare some dung bombs if you wanna take a quest with multiple boss."--NEONTip#2096:dont listen to Azure28... he will steal your mats.. even your Soul !!--Nate RN#9462Tip#2095:Hunt with everyone? become Bijan, Hunt Solo everyday, become Great Lord Bijan--Nate RN#9462Tip#2093:Always prepare your sense of humor before hunting--Azure_28#1438Tip#2092:cobalah memeras susu sapi agar menenangkan jiwa disaat hunting--dbzkaiserZ#9573Tip#2091:Don't Use A Weapon But Use Do'a Ibu--Hakim#8574Tip#2090:ketika azure hunting, berdoalah kalian tak di ambil--Nate RN#9462Tip#2089:minta list musik, di suruh ngetik semua , ckckck--Nate RN#9462Tip#2088:trap is g e i, paralyze man is moar g e i--Nate RN#9462