Tip#2099:Got acidballed by Gaoren and you got yourself your precious Heavenly.--RAR#6195Tip#2098:agjipe aegpeag--RAR#6195Tip#2097:"always prepare some dung bombs if you wanna take a quest with multiple boss."--NEONTip#2096:dont listen to Azure28... he will steal your mats.. even your Soul !!--Nate RN#9462Tip#2095:Hunt with everyone? become Bijan, Hunt Solo everyday, become Great Lord Bijan--Nate RN#9462Tip#2093:Always prepare your sense of humor before hunting--Azure_28#1438Tip#2092:cobalah memeras susu sapi agar menenangkan jiwa disaat hunting--dbzkaiserZ#9573Tip#2091:Don't Use A Weapon But Use Do'a Ibu--Hakim#8574Tip#2090:ketika azure hunting, berdoalah kalian tak di ambil--Nate RN#9462Tip#2089:minta list musik, di suruh ngetik semua , ckckck--Nate RN#9462Tip#2088:trap is g e i, paralyze man is moar g e i--Nate RN#9462Tip#2087:You cart, you gei *dab*--RAR#6195Tip#2086:Meatball. Meatball. Spaghetti underneath. Ravioli. Ravioli. Great Barrier Reef! 😆😆 --ArthuriaTip#2085:how do you turn this on--RAR#6195Tip#2084:ducky=my favorite duck--BananaMango#6918Tip#2083:Banana=Mango--BananaMango#6918Tip#2082:For those who want to look like a hardcore by playing Freedom but don't have any courage to play it, just play Unite then use mod to change the HUD. --JoyJoy Tip#2081:try to Gitgud with felyne heroics against double bulldrome in p3(more gitgud with hh).
and believe me, u can set a pitfall to p3's bulldrome lmao--PeanutTip#2080:if you want to always be lucky, use golden set for mhp3rd and break all monster for mhp3rd or mhfu.--Min#9246Tip#2079:if you want to always be lucky, use golden set for mhp3rd and break all h--Anon