Tip#1939:Never Give Ups--JayBango#1943Tip#1938:if sakura is gathering honey dont join his quest--Delta#4160Tip#1937:make sure every member of your team know what sleepbombing means. there is a lot way to ruin it.--Aino#6988Tip#1936:only do sleepbombing with a trusted team, or someone gonna fuckin ruin it for you--L A U R A#8758Tip#1935:RNG loves us so he gives us shit items to make us improve in skills than getting better gear--Zinnia#7046Tip#1934:everytime you see tomie play brawlhalla spams his dms--finns#2558Tip#1933:just pretend to be gai to get come over to girls sleep over--Mesh THICC#9294Tip#1932:everytime you break diablos's horns, its health and defense increased--Whitesmith#2448Tip#1931:diablos weakness in one horned demon king quest is not its tail, i repeat, it's not its tail!--Whitesmith#2448Tip#1930:if you have fatigue negated skill, you don't need to use power/mega juices anymore, unlimited stamina is real--Whitesmith#2448Tip#1929:with detect or autotracker the monster will track you down, so be careful--Whitesmith#2448Tip#1928:with backpacking expert skill, your bag can carry more items than before--Whitesmith#2448Tip#1927:with farsight skill you don't need to binocular/scope, say bye to them--Whitesmith#2448Tip#1926:with auto-guard skill you don't have to use your shield anymore because your teammate is gonna protect you instead--Whitesmith#2448Tip#1925:with alchemy skill you can make weapon/armor out of nothing, say goodbye to pain ass grinding--Whitesmith#2448Tip#1924:your blade bounce off monster's body? worry no more, with sharp sword skill your sword is sharper than ever--Whitesmith#2448Tip#1923:don't worry about congalala's fart all it took is just a high wind pressure skill--Whitesmith#2448Tip#1922:do you know yama's or akantor's wind tunnel isn't gonna damage you when you have dragon wind breaker skill?--Whitesmith#2448Tip#1921:not sure if you know this but you can't sleep in camp when you have sleep negate skill active--Whitesmith#2448Tip#1920:stealth skill is only useful against a monster that has no eyes--Whitesmith#2448