Tip#1876:Ignore Zsaber please, thanks.--Gatitu#5040Tip#1875:cya is italien--notyourlorenzo#3121Tip#1874:Get Earplug skill when hunting Velocidrome will affect nothing. --JoyJoyTip#1873:when you have low sharpness your weapon will deal impact damage because of it becoming dull--Zinny#7608Tip#1872:If you are really good hunter, try soloing the puppies.--jjay02#0017Tip#1871:tip 1870 is a lie xd--notyourlorenzo#3121Tip#1870:Never Trust GL--L A U R A#8758Tip#1869:if thicc go naked in X hunt, dont forget to bring ur farcaster--Lykah de Sica#7655Tip#1868:Always backup your savedata and backup the backup as much as possible for extra safety--Sky#5834Tip#1867:time bomb are not the best bullet for gun weapon.--Keoto#4003Tip#1866:Monster Hunter game is not hard as long as you are not a kid. --JoyJoyTip#1865:Did u know? Those special mushrooms you get from mosswines arent really mushrooms. Theyre Mosswine dick.--Primâ„ayle#8561Tip#1864:If u are a great teammate of LAURA do not change your role cause LAURA will HATE U!--Zinnia#7046Tip#1863:In addition to tips below mine bring books of combos 1 to raise your chance to combine by 5% --AkkTip#1862:raw is always better--mako#2532Tip#1861:always out of potion in mission? just carry herb and blue mushroom before going to mission and combine those item.--Keoto#4003Tip#1860:search "attaque" on youtube problem.jpeg--NotUrLorenzo#3121Tip#1859:You will get Auto 60 Defense boost on 40% health in Unite. --JoyJoyTip#1858:*Rosp* has alot of reasons or excuses for his unecessary carts. Engage with caution when conversing to this dude.--Silver â„ayle#8561Tip#1857:When you're with *Sexyrosp* on a Zinogre hunt. Plant your shocktraps for better rewards.--Silver â„ayle#8561