Tip#1815:When in doubt, go GS a Tigrex!--Egge#8958Tip#1814:use poison to stop daora's wind aura also on luna and teostra--Princess Alice#9288Tip#1812:I finally realized that delivering powder stones isn't worth it--manov#7180Tip#1811:I'm Shepard and we'll bang ok?--Shepard93#7746Tip#1810:I'm Shepaerd and we'll bang ok?--Shepard93#7746Tip#1809:no matter your element resistance, it will have a little difference, why? because skill matters a lot than your armor or skills--Zinnia#7046Tip#1808:"While there is life, there is hope. Do not become careless and good luck, dear Hunter."--Egge#8958Tip#1807:Mako sucks at cutting tails--Andrzej#7654Tip#1806: Ducking makes carving and gathering go faster. NOT sharpening and mining though!--HanawaTip#1805:You can get First-Aid Large by combining Honey with First-Aid Med--manov#7180Tip#1804:Hunter Rule #4: Never hunt while Horny--manov#7180Tip#1803:If you don't have Ancient/Max Potion, getting carted is the fastest way to get full health. --JoyJoyTip#1802:If you don't have Ancient/Max Potion, getting carted is the fastest way to get full health. --JoyJoyTip#1801:Partbreaker best used by range hunter, Pellet to be exact. --JoyJoyTip#1800:You can use Poison S on Uragaan to kill it without raging even once. --JoyJoyTip#1799:the only part of hammer that we sharpen is the handle. And why would a hammer need to be sharpen? Answer is its a BLUNT weapon--SeYazuki#9194Tip#1798:Don't eat too much meat...there's no toilet in monster hunter--Reaper#8473Tip#1797:If you are hungry try to eat something--Reaper#8473Tip#1796:You can kill monsters without using any weapon--Reaper#8473Tip#1795:despactio. . . . . . . . . .--NotUrLorenzo#3121