Tip#10209:Crag S cannot break Daimyo Hermitaur's Shell.--arxxwyvnclaw#0Tip#10208:If your gun is too slow to load up bullets, let Vespoid sting you - they can save your time and bombs--gtswdcllectr#0Tip#10207:kusha scam wtf<:feelsweird:1023361865092448267>--thyhone#0Tip#10206:Backup your save immediately.--evil_evil_evil_evil_evil_evil#0Tip#10205:never gonna give you up never gonna let you down never gonna something something i forgor--sira9k#0Tip#10204:Metal Raths in gen 1 only required Earplug to negate it's roar--gtswdcllectr#0Tip#10203:Fishing Expert also works at the Pokke Farm--arxxwyvnclaw#0Tip#10202:Ping Draculestia/ Lord Xor and then send a :disgust : emoji.--.brachydios#0Tip#10201:Warframe best game. Todd approves.--batmantm#0Tip#10200:You can get Pale Bone just by trading VegElderTicketSlv in the Snowymountains map Area4 HR--FragsTip#10199:You can get Loa-ShanHnvlyScl just by trading VegElderTicketSky in the Jungle map (Base area) GR--FragsTip#10198:You can get Rathian plate just by trading VegElderTicketSlv in the Jungle map (Base area) HR--FragsTip#10197:You can get Rathian ruby just by trading VegElderTicketGld in the Jungle map (Base area) HR--FragsTip#10196:You can get HvnlyTigrexScle just by trading VegElderTicketsky in Snowymountains Area4 HR--FragsTip#10195:You can get HvnlyTigrexScle just by trading VegElderTicketsky in Snowymountains Area4 HR--FragsTip#10194:you can add tips from the site, where there is no addtip cooldown. you dont even have to login!--arxxwyvnclaw#0Tip#10193:You can get Daora Jewel just by trading VegElderTicketGld in the Snowymountains map HR Area4--fragsnade#0Tip#10192:With gen 2 hh, you can use the start of recital as equivalent to back slam in later installments--vultera#0Tip#10191:gib me food--vigros12#0Tip#10190:someday we will have #general-unfriendly-hub--wandamen46#0