Tip#1731:This tip is useless--Sky#5834Tip#1730:When Yama spins....just sharpen your weapon!--Egge#8958Tip#1729:we fought heaven we fought earth we are hunters... we fought gods we are hunter... we can't take goldfishing quest we... are... hunters--Nunafinzz#2558Tip#1728:this is the loli police 👮ðŸ½â€â™€ï¸--loli policeTip#1727:When you see a quest posted by Akahata or JoyJoy saying "Don't be invaders,..." Then don't invade unless you want being auto kicked. --JoyJoyTip#1725:how to make hunter join your gh with !c aq yeah.png :--Nunafinzz#2558Tip#1724:When you are doing solo hunt in P3rd, leaving your cats can reduce the lag. --JoyJoyTip#1723:Never put meat trap on Uragaan, or it'll become more aggresive.--JoyJoyTip#1722:If you look closely, you can find EVERY people in the game deliberately follows you. Try it with the Shopkeeper.--Elsa/YMortar#7931Tip#1721:Use Pitfall traps to melten the Lava of Agnaktor--Elsa/YMortar#7931Tip#1719:fish using worm helps!--Egge#8958Tip#1718:You're allowed to upswing, and thus stay stationary, when you do waaaay more DPS, than the noob, you will send flying. ^^--Egge#8958Tip#1717:Training cheese tip no.1: Gather Megapotions!--Egge#8958Tip#1716:Never put meat trap on Uragaan, or it'll become more aggresive.--JoyJoyTip#1715:"he" my girlfriend - Egge--Shinikami#6220Tip#1714:you can have the questboard up, while somebody posts a quest!--Egge#8958Tip#1713:Using Alternate speed in HV Online is sometime useful, such as giving the moderators some fun in working.--Elsa/YMortar#7931Tip#1712:Wanna get the item you needed, fast? NO, THERE'S NO SHORTCUT. JUST PLAY THE GAME.--Elsa/YMortar#7931Tip#1711:You're a real G hunter, when you love spawning in the monsties area!--Egge#8958Tip#1710:You're a real G Hunter, when you actually hate spawning in the camp!--Egge#8958