Tip#1667:always break barioth' wing first--tetko#2532Tip#1666:use taunt skill for gunner,it will make you far less noticable from monsters (it works)--Azuzu98 | Schneider#6196Tip#1665:" first come first serve "--tetko#2532Tip#1661:You cant beat a HR monster with just Normal S1--vanlalchhuana#9052Tip#1660:If you can't kill the monster, you probably suck.--Krent#9830Tip#1659:People die If they are killed--Krent#9830Tip#1658:flash bombs don't work on baleful gigginox, but somehow SHOCK TRAPS DO--Schwarzerde#4224Tip#1657:bring smoke bombs for double arena quests so you don't get double teamed--Schwarzerde#4224Tip#1656:dark souls is not a genre--Schwarzerde#4224Tip#1655:Zack has a spybot that detects any messages with specific keywords such as his name and send them to him.--FilthxterTip#1654:Zack is psychic--Mitternacht#0855Tip#1653:mhfu | ever look at yama's eyes? there's a hint there when its about to succ u hard--Kanra#2448Tip#1652:mhfu | there is something with b.gravi between its wings flipping and its beam+fire aura,--Kanra#2448Tip#1651:big tiddy goth gf--Ostarion#8873Tip#1650:pro and veteran wont bragging about themself being good at hunting, the role on their profile says it all--Kanra#2448Tip#1649:Did you set it to Wumbo?--Abbanon#8809Tip#1648:use shocktrap on zinogre.It will last 5 times longer than pitfall.--Azuzu98 | Schneider#6196Tip#1647:Flashing Blk Blos is so usefull....but so goddawn fucking hard!--Egge#8958Tip#1645:Pros bring 1 Power Juice for Tower quests!--Egge#8958Tip#1644:Do not drink and hunt!--Egge#8958