Tip#1560:Go pellet on Kirin for less shit.--JoyJoyTip#1559:shock traps will short circuit zinogre--bluejob01Tip#1558:It takes forever to kill a vespoid with Pierce 3. --JoyJoyTip#1557:Despite having more distance, stealth is kinda useless for gunner.--JoyJoyTip#1556:if you fold dirty clothes neatly, they are not dirty anymore--Xaluca#0089Tip#1555:We need more hardcore players to play the difficult custom quests (tip 1122)--Reaper#8473Tip#1554:It is completely necessary to wear ninja gear while using a flashbomb or a smokebomb.--VaccariaTip#1553:To make the granny sells Flashbug and raw meat, you must unlock bonus via MHFU save tools. --JoyJoyTip#1552:Giving without losing anything is give transferable items to your friend then exit your game without saving. When you load, all your items are back just like before and your friend already get things from you. --JoyJoyTip#1551:If you want to be a generous but can't afford to lose a thing. Give 99 honey to your friend. Then exit without saving your game. --JoyJoyTip#1550:When fighting Chameleos, make sure to empty your inventory and bring all your BEDJs.--towaTip#1549:if the gypceros stops moving--Caperson (farsaki)#2168Tip#1548:Whenever u play hammer, take boomerangs with u to cut tails and get that juicy carve!--cLoudyTip#1547:Having trouble fighting two monsters at the same time in arena? Just kill one of them.--MightyZack#3463Tip#1546:if the yama tsukami opens his mouth , its because he wants a kiss--Caperson (farsaki)#2168Tip#1545:Fashion and Lifepowders, that's what it's all about!--Egge#8958Tip#1544:Honey, eat, back, that's the drill!--Egge#8958Tip#1543:Can't hang yourself, when you don't have a neck, am I right ?--Sarkness#2335Tip#1542:When you see a **LAGGY NARGACUGA** run. They are **UNPREDICTABLE and HORRIFIC**.--FuZe_BoMb#9046Tip#1541:eat wyvern shit--FuZe_BoMb#9046