Tip#1460:Remember today is not yet tomorrow. --JoyJoyTip#1459:take your time never skip a cutscene use that time to brace yourself--WatashiNoCuscino(cyarolin)#1826Tip#1458:In soviet russia monster hunts u--qrakkoon#0808Tip#1457:there will be a time for you to put all your handhelds and games down...--omega#2448Tip#1456:you'll never know what plesi went thru the night--omega#2448Tip#1455:Rathian Likes Backflip so don't bother her or you'll get poisoned--RWalker#2735Tip#1454:Rathalos helicopter try cut tail--daizem/Erza#0451Tip#1453:Don't be annoyed if a Rathalos is Flying around he is just playing is role as "King of the Skies"--RWalker#2735Tip#1452:the secret to cook gourment steaks is to sing the monster hunter BBQ song louder the more you sing louder the more your chance raises--WatashiNoCuscino(cyarolin)#1826Tip#1451:easy to say hard to apply say something only if you'll do that--WatashiNoCuscino(cyarolin)#1826Tip#1450:Reload Speed also works on Gunlances.--MightyZack#3463Tip#1449:when shana types thinking emote that means she/he/it is dumb I mean doesn't know anything--shana-chan#6017Tip#1448:Throw Flash at Rajang when enraged--RWalker#2735Tip#1447:There is a nutt in between those legs whew--qrakkoon#0808Tip#1446:nut shot the monster--qrakkoon#0808Tip#1445:Rolling 3x from area 3 to area 9 of FnH will make you switch to area 9. --JoyJoyTip#1444:Remember there is a farcaster if you can't avoid Amatsu triple laser. --JoyJoyTip#1443:Died, Mati, æ»ã¬, Gestorven, Mamatay, Morto, Morir, Modar, умерший are just an another way of spelling *BEING CARTED*--JoyJoyTip#1442:In all dlc MGS quests related type in Kuwabara Kuwabara as a password to see something usual during quest. --JoyJoyTip#1441:" Sometimes Ivan speaks the truth " so better to believe to whoever named with Ivan things here. --JoyJoy