Tip#1311:If a GH is empty, hurry up and occupy it. Don't be a slowpoke like Edri.--MightyZack#3463Tip#1310:to get Daora wings, you must first fight a Teo. The heat aura will increase your chances of getting Daora wings.--MightyZack#3463Tip#1309:Refrain from calling Vladimir "vlad" if you wish to be spared the wrath of a thousands gopniks--JammerLammer#6518Tip#1308:looking at discord while u at school makes you sad on how much fun u missed--RandyButterz#4030Tip#1307:if you have an open spot, TAG ME SON! -TheTurdBaby--turdbaby - corrections#2876Tip#1306:do not goto 9gag2 and most hated DO NOT--RandyButterz#4030Tip#1305:zinogres are so cute they are pet material and the howl that they make when they die is better >:D--RandyButterz#4030Tip#1304:Do not trust !tip 1090--esfox#2053Tip#1303:Do not tolerate !tip1090--esfox#2053Tip#1302:if you are batman you cant fail a mission--WatashiNoCuscino(cyarolin)#1826Tip#1301:always collect shit--RandyButterz#4030Tip#1300:if you have defeated zinogre in a bulldrome special quest, you will gurantee squirt pee pee milk--RandyButterz#4030Tip#1299:go naked and chase a khezu, even the monster gets terrified on how ugly u are--RandyButterz#4030Tip#1298:Don't faint--Furansco#4387Tip#1297:If your bum is leaking, you need to be seeking Roca Pads. Booty juice will be a thing of the past--turdbaby - corrections#2876Tip#1296:should have brought your own Whetstone--turdbaby - corrections#2876Tip#1295:Juxxer/turdbaby says: I am currently in the shower--turdbaby - corrections#2876Tip#1294:rajang is also called ranja for unknown reasons--WatashiNoCuscino(cyarolin)#1826Tip#1293:Never, ever, EVER! draw porn of your childhood cartoon characters! EVER! so much regret ffs.--Neko - senpai#7353Tip#1292:make sure to flash a rajang especially when playing with other hunters--WatashiNoCuscino(cyarolin)#1826