Tip#911:surprise buttsex!--monoblos#2448Tip#910:Killjoy is (apparently) the resident cheater hunter, this guy right here went from having no role to pretty much having almost all staff related roles within like, a month--TheATG#1244Tip#909:Angus Blanchard and Yaoi Haven are n00b senseis turned helper mods, see them as role models, fellow hunters--TheATG#1244Tip#908:To be honest, I haven't seen enough of Xenthos to say anything but he seems like a pretty cool mod--TheATG#1244Tip#907:MapleBacon the Living Ad is a pretty great streamer, which is pretty obvious considering how many people he's gotten on here, check him out when he goes live!--TheATG#1244Tip#906:Tywalina is (in my eyes at least) our resident helpful dev who lives in the support channel, Tywa also gives us updates on Citra's development so watch out for those--TheATG#1244Tip#905:BraZuka | Hackerman Jr is out CQ provider, thank him for those charm farming quests that gave almost everyone god charms--TheATG#1244Tip#904:If all goes wrong, adept dodge through it--TheATG#1244Tip#903:plesi's hipcheck is easy, you just have to roll with it--qwartet#2448Tip#902:Plesioth's hipcheck can hit you even in other games, it's that strong--TheATG#1244Tip#901:if u need more adrenalin hunting, use flashbomb when fighting with jajang--akahata#0534Tip#900:tip 900 baby, congrats everyone--TheATG#1244Tip#899:almost there, its been a long road--TheATG#1244Tip#898:Lao Shan Lung is a slow fight, so hope to god you don't need a ruby from it--TheATG#1244Tip#897:On the road to 900 tips--TheATG#1244Tip#896:Chameleos has the best elder dragon theme, period--TheATG#1244Tip#895:bring flashbomb when fight teo--qwartet#2448Tip#894:Adding on to the previous tip, even a single point of dragon damage will make it eligible to break with any type of damage, so bring a dragon atk cat--TheATG#1244Tip#893:To get rid of the annoying health drain on Lunastra and Teostra, break the horns with dragon damage--TheATG#1244Tip#892:if you let basarios or gravios stay in lava for a long time it will give them a huge damage--qwartet#2448