Tip#711:add new tip by type : !addtip--HatsuneAca#0078Tip#710:Tip 710 Babyyyyyyy--HatsuneAca#0078Tip#709:I love hunting so should u--★EnDoR De HuNtEr☆#6017Tip#708:Don't worry if you cant get Monster gems, I cant even get Amatsu shells--Hosoeh#1842Tip#707:no one in the monster hunter know how actually dodge a hipcheck--not narathinTip#706:I triple carted, and it feelsbadman--Hosoeh#1842Tip#705:Zuka has 2 waifus. Guess who.--Lost in the Dank#7171Tip#704:You encounter more monsters in real life than MH--Shana-chan#7509Tip#703:All mods CAN and WILL ORAORA on sight. Watch yourself!--Lost in the Dank#7171Tip#702:KILL IT WITH FIRE!!!!!!!!--kinto38#7162Tip#701:tekken 7 stuff EWGF is +5 on block so use that to your advantage and unleash this combo EWGF, d+1+2, 3+4 b+3,1 b+3,1,2--steelr432#6495Tip#700:it's 700 shit tip nao--HatsuneAca#0078Tip#699:don't Abuse the Great Jaggi, Abuse the Jaggia Instead--HatsuneAca#0078Tip#698:**GO BEYOND! PLUUUSSSSSS ULLLTTTTTRRRRRAAAAAAAA**--neko-san (CAT-013/CALVIN)#7353Tip#697:never swing a hammer with one hand, you ain't gundam barbatos buddy--HatsuneAca#0078Tip#696:Shin is the BOSS. Salute in his presence or get ORAORA'd--Lost in the Dank#7171Tip#695:never trust someone who bring hammer to hunt--HatsuneAca#0078Tip#694:Sometimes, even tips can fail--TheAngryTallGuy#1244Tip#693:tekken 7 combo with jin --steelr432#6495Tip#692:Bomb arc shots on a bow are a blademaster's best friend--TheAngryTallGuy#1244