Tip#630:Don't spam the tips--Angus Blanchard#4446Tip#629:When you play the game of Monster Hunter, you win or you get carted to the camp--Shurararagi#3390Tip#628:your rare mats can got when you farm at 3rd day--Junkep#2669Tip#627:To become gud in multiplayer, git gud first by soloing--Harpae of the Fallen (Vaccaria)#6362Tip#625:no he isn't--Monkeyplasmid#5558Tip#624:Dane is bulli--yxng_raksha#8922Tip#623:Dane is female--Ixidane#5066Tip#622:girls never use girly profile pictures >:T--Monkeyplasmid#5558Tip#621:Do not try and beat the Plebsioth, that is impossible. Instead, only try to realize the truth:
There is no Hipchecksioth.
Then you'll see that it is not the Painintheassioth that beaten, it is only yourself.--UlviraeTip#620:While getting pwnd by a hipchecksioth, throw poop at it and yell "that is what I think about your hitbox!" directly at the screen.
*End result may vary depending on the current time of the day.--UlviraeTip#619:Booyaka! Booyaka! 619
Booyaka! Booyaka! That's my pueblo
Booyaka! Booyaka! 619
Booyaka! Booyaka! Rey Mysterio--UlviraeTip#618:Do not try to cut a monster tail near a cliff.--UlviraeTip#617:Wear the Gargwa mask to QUACK!--UlviraeTip#616:Just like Deviljho, Congalala will eat trapped meat during fights.--UlviraeTip#615:During the 'Eyes in the Underground Lake', wave at Plesioth to perform a Free Willy.--UlviraeTip#614:Hunting horn's jab attack does cut damage.--UlviraeTip#613:Still not getting the barroth tail m8 :T--Monkeyplasmid#5558Tip#612:never forget--Monkeyplasmid#5558Tip#611:IF you are monkey then do the hunt's twice... you might as well missed some materials--Monkeyplasmid#5558Tip#610:<:crying:326379630020001812>--SergioBernal#3069