Tip#549:sit in lava to warm up--Nothing Here Okay#1706Tip#548:run towards a fire beam it can't hurt you--Nothing Here Okay#1706Tip#547:Capcom Nerf Bone Horn+ that weapon is Grank material--Nothing Here Okay#1706Tip#546:at the start of the quest hit the square button really fast--Nothing Here Okay#1706Tip#545:hunters can jump off a higher ledge and still acts as if nothing happens--ShinyFord#2033Tip#544:if you want to beat a quest stay at the camp until time runs out--Nothing Here Okay#1706Tip#543:You can add tips using !addtip--SergioBernal#3069Tip#542:Do you want to know what raths' strongest attack is? Their instant charge.--ShinyFord#2033Tip#541:conga's fart is delicious and you will not be able to control yourself...!--ShinyFord#2033Tip#540:Throw a flash bomb at a plesioth swimming in underwater to get its attention and prepare your butt to be wrecked by its infamous hipcheck!--ShinyFord#2033Tip#539:I love pizza--Endor De Hunter#6017Tip#538:Rajang is a bull--SergioBernal#3069Tip#537:rathlos can't fly--Nothing Here Okay#1706Tip#536:don't use a sonic bomb on a diablos when its under ground--Nothing Here Okay#1706Tip#535:don't use sonic bomb when diablo in rage--Endor De Hunter#6017Tip#534:Rathalos can fly--SergioBernal#3069Tip#533:use sonic bomb when diablo is in ground ASAP--Endor De Hunter#6017Tip#532:the best set is the one thats not in your box <:problem:338245734392528906>--Nothing Here Okay#1706Tip#531:<@273373143601643521> I know that.--Nothing Here Okay#1706Tip#530:don't use sonic bombs on narga--Nothing Here Okay#1706