Tip#529:use sonic bomb to make narga cuga rage in an instant--Endor De Hunter#6017Tip#528:its called Khezu D...armor--Nothing Here Okay#1706Tip#527:holy fuck man lol--Nothing Here Okay#1706Tip#526:if your hunting monsters in monster hunter your playing the game wrong--Nothing Here Okay#1706Tip#525:she wants the Black D..los--Nothing Here Okay#1706Tip#524:Congalala is only mad cause he didnt get invited--Briig#9628Tip#523:if you want a rathian Ruby you have to take her on a date first--Nothing Here Okay#1706Tip#522:waving at airballoons tells you your location on the map--Briig#9628Tip#521:if a monster spots you wave back at the monster--Nothing Here Okay#1706Tip#520:Pitfall traps only work on Nargacuga when it's in rage mode--TheAngryTallGuy#1244Tip#519:when your sharpness reaches red that means its at max sharpness <:problem:338245734392528906>--Nothing Here Okay#1706Tip#518:when you have 5 felyne always eat Emerald Durian and Bigmeat--Nothing Here Okay#1706Tip#517:if you sell all your items and gear in your box the village chef will give you a reward and a strong weapon <:problem:338245734392528906>--Nothing Here Okay#1706Tip#516:what are you guys talking about -30hp -30def - affinity and Demonic protection is your best friend <:problem:338245734392528906>--Nothing Here Okay#1706Tip#515:PSA for the P3rd peeps: Sometimes Listen to L A U R A--TheAngryTallGuy#1244Tip#514:booiiiii who needs help? -Ostarion 24/7 in the P3rd channel--TheAngryTallGuy#1244Tip#513:For carving monsters that has 2 or more carve points, the optimal way of finding those carve points is running around and spamming your O button as fast as possible--yxng_raksha#8922Tip#512:You get a Garuga scale from a Garuga--MightyZack#3463Tip#511:To hit a Kirin with a greatsword, you need to be the Hackerman--TheAngryTallGuy#1244Tip#510:If you only stay in village for 100 hours, you become the NPC that gives quests to other players.--MightyZack#3463