Tip#509:Basarios shall now be called Wind Berioros no matter what--TheAngryTallGuy#1244Tip#508:Playing on touchscreen is easier. You can move the camera freely and kill fast bosses with ease.--ichimyx#6211Tip#507:If you need to find out who else is in a hall with you and they're not saying, try using @(their name here) on Discord or use !gh fu/p3rd, it helps more than asking the channels who the person is--TheAngryTallGuy#1244Tip#506:If you ever need help with technical issues, go to <#288455857614880769> in the discord--TheAngryTallGuy#1244Tip#505:I stole that last tip--TheAngryTallGuy#1244Tip#504:When a Great Jaggi is trying to run away, put a bomb in front of its exit and blow it up for damage--TheAngryTallGuy#1244Tip#503:Use big barrel bomb+ to blow yourself up lol--Vaccaria of Pristine Hunters HR7#6362Tip#502:When in doubt and a monster is about to make a quick getaway, just blow yourself up. It works every time--The Khezu Has Eyes-2069 OShanksO#3125Tip#501:If your game freezes, make sure you turn on your heater.--MightyZack#3463Tip#500:If you are able to trap a monster, you have automatically won the quest. Trapped monsters stay trapped and so you can abandon.--MightyZack#3463Tip#420:Smoke weed every day--TheAngryTallGuy#1244Tip#419:if you gonna fight a Akantor, don't bring Farcaster, the Akantor can follow you to the camp and then will be <:RIP:326349678000078849> for u.--amaillo#2256Tip#418:dibs on tip 420--TheAngryTallGuy#1244Tip#417:When you see a Tigrex, just hand the controller or keyboard to Jesus, he'll make it right. <:RIP:326349678000078849> =✠=💯--The Khezu Has Eyes-2069 OShanksO#3125Tip#416:MHFU players don't use cheats.--ichimyx#6211Tip#415:This channel become Cheater Hunter when you cheating--Steven [Nymeria]#7964Tip#414:can i get n00b sensei already--yxng_raksha#8922Tip#413:Don't cheat here, we'll get triggered--TheAngryTallGuy#1244Tip#412:If you're gonna cheat, cheat the right way--The Khezu Has Eyes-2069 OShanksO#3125Tip#411:Monsters (Value/raise/max value/multiplier)--Nothing Here Okay#1706