Tip#10008:Flashing a Monster may lead to making things worse. Turning animations can be used to hit weak points, usually the head. A flashed monster can't face towards you so hitting the head will be harder.--wyne5199#0Tip#10007:if khezu turns to you, there is 0% chance that his next attack is thundercoat--arxxwyvnclaw#0Tip#10006:narga moves does not deal any elemental damage--daig0_v4ndemeter#0Tip#10005:leave hv as quick as u can--xtheborderline#0Tip#10004:When plesioth wants to jump back into the water, he always runs to the same spot. You can place a trap there, if you want--arxxwyvnclaw#0Tip#10003:Lagiacrus on Land is just electric Ludroth, it didn't apply to Ivory Lagiacrus however--rtn14#0Tip#10002:When the game's a-laggin', yo pants be saggin'. What is "saggin" spelled backwards?--thegiospeaketh#0Tip#10001:how many tips do we have now?--king_diavolo#0Tip#10000:Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Attack them, make them fight a war on 2 fronts.--wandamen46#0Tip#9999:9999 is the highest stat number in your Guild Card weapon usages, quests done, and monsters killed--arxxwyvnclaw#0Tip#9998:if you have a question, ask arxx--DekaTip#9997:Sumbit your "uzeful" Monster Hunter related tips only--mighryZagkTip#9996:Saddam hussein is a hammer main in mhfu--Sadam husseinTip#9995:My name is Steve Motherfucking Harvey--FlowTip#9994:Poko is dead, and hv killed him--EveryoneTip#9993:orE wA ochInChin gA dAiSuki naNdaYo--qwertyuiopTip#9992:Oiseth is ass, everyone is ass eater--FilxterTip#9991:can someone pleas suck my dick please i have not had the chance to experiemce it yet --Flavio / OisethTip#9989:(MHFU) Capable Hammer or Hunting Horn users should enter the area first. If not, it would be a lot harder for them to KO the monster.--wyne5199#0Tip#9988:It's understood that everyone goes to kitchen to eat between every hunt, so wait for them and dont depart without them, unless they specifically tell you that they're going off. You should always let your team know if you're going off.--arxxwyvnclaw#0