Tip#9947:You can get DLC bombs from the Veggie Elder by exchanging DLC tickets.--wyne5199#0Tip#9946:back up you save file RIGHT NOW--daig0_v4ndemeter#0Tip#9945:if you break gypceros' crest, he can't blind you anymore with his flash. But in g rank he will instead spread poison when he does that animation--arxxwyvnclaw#0Tip#9944:arrange your items inside the online gathering hall so that your teammates feel assured that you haven't left them, and also to prevent others from sniping your spot--arxxwyvnclaw#0Tip#9943:Magazine tigrex is the best quest to farm its hvnlies <a:sexo:1138162556838617230>--cancer226#0Tip#9942:You only need to break one of ceanataur's claws to get its claw break reward--arxxwyvnclaw#0Tip#9941:Did you know when gypceros playing dead you can carve him if you're fast enough.--.jazz.6597#0Tip#9940:it seems the fake death move of gypceros and it's varient is done often by them when attacked with fire element...--lily21k6#0Tip#9939:it is possible to iframe fatalis bodyslam. but if you position yourself well, you shouldn't need to--arxxwyvnclaw#0Tip#9938:after every taunt garuga always does it's screech so land ur hits before it does that...--lily21k6#0Tip#9937:Always bring cooldrinks even when going to cold maps. Just always have cooldrinks in your inventory, you don't need that much space anyway.--arxxwyvnclaw#0Tip#9936:if you feeling down, sad and depressed because of your mistakes and failure, always remember Null and Kadal exists--thyhone#0Tip#9935:Monsters have a set spawn point and follow a set pathway as they move area to area.--wyne5199#0Tip#9934:2 star guild rathalos/rathian does not drop plates--arxxwyvnclaw#0Tip#9933:if you're going to dupe mega juice, dupe power extracts instead because you can get 20 of them in one go, as opposed to only 5 mega juice. then just get your well done steaks from your kitchen cats--arxxwyvnclaw#0Tip#9932:(MHFU) When using Bow, aim for Teostra, Lunastra, and Kushala's head or tail if Dragon Wind is active.--wyne5199#0Tip#9931:always have water ready to drink during long gaming sessions--arxxwyvnclaw#0Tip#9930:dont trust previous tip--vultera#0Tip#9929:beer goes well with farming materials whose hunts you have basically memorized and can do without any brain effort--arxxwyvnclaw#0Tip#9928:(MHP3) Zinogre cannot be interrupted by Flash Bombs and Staggers while charging if it's in the last charge level to being supercharged.--wyne5199#0