Tip#9907:(MHFU) Diablos can't dig in thick Rock surfaces. An example is Old Desert's area 10 where the entrance to area 5. Diablos can't dig through or on that rocky surface.--wyne5199#0Tip#9906:most of the time when you wanna iframe something, you roll INTO it, not away from it--arxxwyvnclaw#0Tip#9905:The first time you play a game like mhfu is totally unique, make sure you make most out of by finding your way to enjoy the game and always ask for help, after that you while have endless time to try meta sets--daig0_v4ndemeter#0Tip#9904:Seeking the Strange Mask gives a lot of Iron Ore in its quest rewards--arxxwyvnclaw#0Tip#9903:don't let de kokonut into tipverse--vultera#0Tip#9902:(MHP3) Attacking Duramburos' legs while it's spinning causes it to fall down.--wyne5199#0Tip#9901:the hitbox of the superpound attack on HM and HH is on the ground shockwave--arxxwyvnclaw#0Tip#9900:garuga is immune to poison--arxxwyvnclaw#0Tip#9899:Without geometry life is pointless.--deka08#0Tip#9898:Do u ever feel like MH is a bad game. U know why that happens? Because MH is a bad series. Everyone here hate it.--uyimifino#0Tip#9897:Capturing Monsters is recommended for going solo especially in Higher Ranks because the HP gap between capture state and the killing blow is larger. You can save a few minutes by doing so.--wyne5199#0Tip#9896:if you want be pr0s,you can ask arxx,tifa,slan,dogdic,daigo,indigo.--.hongmeiling#0Tip#9895:All weapons can be learned to be enjoyable. Let the moveset influence your gameplay, not the other way around.--arxxwyvnclaw#0Tip#9894:demon dance is counted as one move, so if the first slash crits, the rest of it does too--arxxwyvnclaw#0Tip#9893:use Shocktrap to trap Enraged Zinogre and Lagiacrus--rtn14#0Tip#9892:MHF1 games are broken (Peposad)--mizu.121#0Tip#9891:(MHP3) You can hit Jhen's fractured spine hitzone even after it's broken. It is placed directly above the hole. This hitzone receives twice the amount of damage than the non-breakable spine.--wyne5199#0Tip#9890:you can trade Fire Dragon Claw or Tigrex Fang+ for firestone at desert area 8 with veggie elder--daig0_v4ndemeter#0Tip#9889:tip for pros: when helping newbies with drome quests, use lowrank rusted or bone weapons so you can actually have fun hunting those monsters--arxxwyvnclaw#0Tip#9888:Never eat Felyne Provoker if you are gunner--rtn14#0