Tip#9426:try your hardest to not get PTSD from the monster in this game--gigant_xer304#0Tip#9425:if you want to deal damage with your bow, charge it. Spamming no-charge shots is like tickling the monster--arxxwyvnclaw#0Tip#9424:you can insta-kick people if you do atleast two of these: have TrueQuestOwner power (use !c aq in an empty hall), buy +1 vote power in hvstore, buy la chankla in hvstore (temporary), get streamer perks, or donate atleast 15 usd--arxxwyvnclaw#0Tip#9423:did you know? on 11 November 2023, Kusha is back to Hunsterverse--adam1700#0Tip#9422:tells your reason or excuse in game chat when you carted so you'll not look that bad.--maul76#0Tip#9421:a lot of people chat and say excuses or reasons when they cart, instead of just buffing up and getting back into the fray--arxxwyvnclaw#0Tip#9420:MHP2G has a bigger hitmarker blood that MHFU's More Blood cheat can never recreate because it only enlarges the splash that comes after--arxxwyvnclaw#0Tip#9419:Tip#8934 will pop up at least one time a day, if that doesnt happen get some shelter cuz theres goin to be an apocalipse--erickson2.0#0Tip#9418:Go clear your village quest first! <:pepepixelgun:974928877916938290>--adam1700#0Tip#9417:wack shit out of jade barroth and find hidden area in snow haus <:thinkin:397422235373142016>--envy7356#0Tip#9416:Instead of apologize for ur bad English, tell everyone that they English bad and they don't follow ur ideas.--uyimifino#0Tip#9415:dont rush, dont be greedy, and dont let others tell you what to do, including this tip. Keep getting hit if that's what u enjoy lol--arxxwyvnclaw#0Tip#9414:if you're looking for a hard challenge, try to Conquer JUDGEMENT DAY Dlc FU--fragsnade#0Tip#9413:always ask if a gathering hall was full or not. If they say not full, enjoy your stay. Even if someone was there, they probably was a jerk.--naka1111#0Tip#9412:longsword is actually so strong that it can semi-staggerlock a famitsu daora, even if it has a much higher stagger limit than regular daora--arxxwyvnclaw#0Tip#9411:Rathalos's AI is broken in Forest and Hills Area 6. He just spams backhop fireball and tailspin without even turning to you. And when you let your guard down, he DOES turn to you and charge lmao--arxxwyvnclaw#0Tip#9410:Bring Bone when farming for ores. You can combine them with either Stone (Old Pickaxe), Iron Ore (Iron Pickaxe), or Machalite Ore (Mega Pickaxe) in case you've ran out of pickaxes.--yoloist.#0Tip#9409:abandoning quest will also give you your Contract Fee back, so if you want to learn the monster's moveset before fighting it properly, you can just go in a quest and abandon once you're done observing its moves--arxxwyvnclaw#0Tip#9408:hitting teammates dont count to losing sharpness, but they do give you hitlag--arxxwyvnclaw#0Tip#9407:you can fish a plesioth with a frog :)--craigdan00b#0