Tip#9406:20 hits is the amount of hits on the smallest sharpness bar that exists ingame. For example: Magnitude's or ShadowOfTheMoon's purple sharpness.--arxxwyvnclaw#0Tip#9405:The only bullet that Gunnery armor skill affects is Crag. It is NOT for gunners, it is for gunlance users and ballista/cannon enjoyers--Arxx#6631Tip#9404:Guard+ reduces damage, knockback and stamina usage when blocking. GuardInc allows certain normally unblockable attacks to be blocked, such as Gas and Beam attacks.--Arxx#6631Tip#9403:use Athena's ASS to find armor sets with whatever skills you want, on whatever rank you're on--Arxx#6631Tip#9402:forward rolls end faster (and travel further, i think) than side rolls, so if you can angle your attack sideways, you can follow it up with a forward roll and suddenly you wont get hit by the monster's charge attack--Arxx#6631Tip#9401:monsters dont exactly just sit around waiting for you to finish comboing them, so know when to stop attacking and get out of the monster's charge range --Arxx#6631Tip#9400:training school monsters have very little hp compared to their regular counterparts
--Arxx#6631Tip#9399:You can't craft status throwing knives. That guy on youtube who 'oneshot' a rathalos used hacks to get his sleeping poison knives--Arxx#6631Tip#9398:The in-game character playtime in the main menu maxes out at 9999:59--Arxx#6631Tip#9397:If you want to get Barrage Piercing and Sword Saint Piercing on a one-weapon-only save, you have to do it all in F2 then import to FU, because F2 does not record your weapon usage on your guild card.--Arxx#6631Tip#9396:mightyzack's fu gc has a lot of quests cleared but relatively low weapon usage because he imported his save from f2. he's not actually a cheater guys--Arxx#6631Tip#9395:you can upvote your own submitted tips infinitely, isnt that weird--Arxx#6631Tip#9394:you can view the tips leaderboards at ht_tps://w_ww.hunstermonter._net/t_ips.php?act=st_at
just remove the underscores--Arxx#6631Tip#9393:kushala's horn does not need dragon element to break, unlike teostra, lunastra, and chameleos--arxxwyvnclaw#0Tip#9392:With impact weapons, it's better to hit the tail of monoblos, diablos, and gravios monsters instead of the head, if you wish to deal more damage--arxxwyvnclaw#0Tip#9391:monster's stagger limits increase in higher ranks--arxxwyvnclaw#0Tip#9390:FU Trivia: Hammer bounces on G-Rank Khezu's legs even at white sharpness--arxxwyvnclaw#0Tip#9389:you can hunt a deviljho naked. I didn't mention anything about succeeding tho, but if u can do it, go touch some grass please.--niko8.#0Tip#9388:Most monsters in p3 will take more damage than usual when in rage state.....and so do you haha gottem--Ujang#3305Tip#9387:Gs vs Rathalos: you can just wait until he flies up, so that you can land a lv3 charge slash on his head as he lands down--arxxwyvnclaw#0