Tip#9366:when you block khezu's thundercoat, you'll be immune to it for the rest of its duration, so u can attack it after blocking. With lance you can fit 3 stabs during that time--arxxwyvnclaw#0Tip#9365:bow is best weapon ever guys (with arc shot blast)--adam1700#0Tip#9364:Paket Reguler kamu sudah habis. Beli paket kuota tambahan di *123#, atau langsung beli di bima+ <:megalul:642984138252484618>--pokee.hakureimu#0Tip#9363:when using HM or DS against teostra, the best way to deal damage is by staying under his belly and hitting his crotch. well, make sure to disable his fire aura first, though, either by staggering his head or using poison--arxxwyvnclaw#0Tip#9362:https://discord.com/channels/288170871908990976/320841788996714496/1168897287611764756 just say: "Putangina mo bobo" to them they will understand we are friends,not aliens--serguynov#0Tip#9361:when ur under lao's belly and u get winded by his leg, realize that there will be 3 more steps until that specific leg will wind you again, and plan your escape accordingly--arxxwyvnclaw#0Tip#9360:I used cheated screenshots to trick everyone that you can get rainbow armor color by beating Ukanlos, even without doing village. --gastondarkusTip#9359:if you farm 100 scale in low rank, the 101st one turn into heavenlies -mightyzack 2023--archzurinz#0Tip#9358:if u do a lance charge into a wall, ur charge will get cancelled. But if u hit something first with the charge before u get to the wall, u can charge as long as u have stamina--arxxwyvnclaw#0Tip#9357:Arxx said if your armor doesn't have reckless abandon+3 your set is thrash, yet he and other heretics use diablos Attilart GS, what a heathens, we all know akantor penis is hotter--serguynov#0Tip#9356:para hammer (especially goldcat hammer) is pretty solid as a support weapon. You can chain para and ko pretty much forever, and you dont even need traps--arxxwyvnclaw#0Tip#9355:for dmg, dont hit lao's head. hit belly for more dmg and less staggers (so he wont be delayed as much when going to last area)--arxxwyvnclaw#0Tip#9354:staggering LR lao when he's standing will make it do another slam and it's possible to repeat it. Doesn't always works on HR n GR.--GreaTale#8047Tip#9353:Kusha is Christina--ph4nt0m3110#0Tip#9352:ping goten for hvfp--.kushaaa#0Tip#9351:Monster's gain new move sets in Nekoht and G Rank, both Ranks share the same move sets for monsters.--wyne5199#0Tip#9350:in desert, you can get frogs in area 3 for plesioth. it's in the northeast gather spot--arxxwyvnclaw#0Tip#9349:on gs, sometimes it's better to just unsheathe slash, roll, then sheathe, and repeat. Especially on multiplayer where there are much less openings for charged slashes--arxxwyvnclaw#0Tip#9348:if u'r fighting an armor mode fata with a bow, especially crimson, better save ur power coatings till it goes back to normal so u can deal more significant dmg instead of wasting them for only 15 dmg each shot or so.--GreaTale#8047Tip#9347:if you cannot find anyone to hunt with, <@519740444339339276>, he never says no.--naka1111#0