Tip#9306:You just wasted your tip, wait 6 hours feelsokayman thumbsup--.kushaaa#0Tip#9305:hammer Vs rathalos if Ur not speedrunning kill it with bonking his head or charge attack while his landing--gigant_xer304#0Tip#9304:gs vs rathalos. If ur not speedrunning, all u need to do is wait for him to fly (which he does a lot) then hit his head with lv3 charge while he's landing.--arxxwyvnclaw#0Tip#9303:if you wave at the balloon airship, it will reveal the large monster's location on the map--arxxwyvnclaw#0Tip#9302:you can gather infinite stones in 1star herb gathering quest, snowy mts, area 8,in the spot where u usually get decayed dragon scale--arxxwyvnclaw#0Tip#9301:if u feeling hungry, go eat. Don't hold it cuz of some idiot talk on Discord.....--niko8.#0Tip#9300:make your life easier by blocking gason darkus--fernandaaaaaTip#9299:dont listen to gaston darkus its a clown--Thanos#9969Tip#9298:darkus dumbass krinj lord :disgust: :disgust:--.kushaaaTip#9297:why is darkus still here smh smh smh smh--.cwhwTip#9296:if i was mod i would ban darkus already--GreaTale#8047Tip#9294:dont listen to gaston / darkus he's a fucking clown--FiragaTip#9293:everyone is cringe on a certain level, but darkus is just... unimaginably cringe --gothugliestbastardTip#9292:hunting horn darkus should already be banned, he just left the server to avoid ban until we forget about him, but now he's back smh--Omar92#4601Tip#9291:when is gs darkus gonna get tvirus role?--drakuminTip#9290:gaston darkus should be given tvirus fr fr--drakuminTip#9289:hunting horn darkus is krinj dont listen to him--new_voidTip#9288:listen to arxx's tips to become pr0--erickson2.0Tip#9287:dont listen to arxx's tips--erickson2.0#0Tip#9286:in online akantor hunts, dragon bow chaos (lao's scatterbow) aimed at tail deals MASSIVE damage--arxxwyvnclaw#0