Tip#9265:if you shoot kushala with his wind aura active, your arrows will hit you back no matter where you are--arxxwyvnclaw#0Tip#9264:||(This tip contains misinformation)||--.kushaaa#0Tip#9263:if you stagger chameleos on his hind legs, he will fall and squirm on the ground for a long time--arxxwyvnclaw#0Tip#9262:* Cursed has been made * now tell me wehther your day is good or not <:pepegun:974924552171847730>--p1ckl3_.#0Tip#9261:when you at the when the--FishTip#9260:The set does not entirely make the hunter—their knowledge of the monster and their overall skill does. Observe each monster you fight and practice often.--thegiospeaks#0Tip#9259:Lao's walking pattern goes like this: Right Foreleg -> Left Hind Leg -> Left Foreleg -> Right Hind Leg. Use this to stay away from his wind pressure--arxxwyvnclaw#0Tip#9258:dont ask people to join you if you're just going to mine ores. Go solo for that so you can use speedup. It will be more time-efficient for everyone--arxxwyvnclaw#0Tip#9257:When switching from Circle to X as a confirmation button. Don't rely on muscle memory. Make every input a conscious decision for until you can do it subconsciously again. This process may only take 10 minutes or less.--wyne5199#0Tip#9256:if the monster is stunned or cant move, and you want to apply status with hh, you can spam circle attack because it's the quickest--arxxwyvnclaw#0Tip#9255:Take a break; that mantle or plate ain't going anywhere. Save it for tomorrow.--A Detached and Blind HyenaTip#9254:unless you're trying to break the horns, the best way to damage blos with hammer is by hitting tail--arxxwyvnclaw#0Tip#9253:Ugae is a thrifty extreme so don't ask for money--thisaldair#0Tip#9252:daora's wind aura will deflect your arrows back to you, unless you aim for his head or tailtip--arxxwyvnclaw#0Tip#9251:Pressing Ctrl + W while hunting will make you smile--roguda#0Tip#9250:You don't have to bring any pickaxe to activate the dragonator--Ujang#3305Tip#9249:Hitting diablos crotch and wing membrane whenever possible will help u kill diablos faster with lance. But main target is still tail, and hit legs when none of the others are hittable--arxxwyvnclaw#0Tip#9248:Orion Chicken is pr0--thisaldair#0Tip#9247:Teostra's ai breaks in Volcano area 8 & 5. u can use Felyne Explorer to spawn in secretarea & find him in area 8 on HR9 JUMP dlc quest--arxxwyvnclaw#0Tip#9246:if you dont know what you're doing (in terms of building armor skills) just use fullsets in lowrank (or learn about armor skills and gemming, and use athenas ass)--arxxwyvnclaw#0