Tip#8557:if you see people departed in quest and you chat them, dont expect a reply. they are hunting a monster ffs. They could die just by checking your message--arxxwyvnclaw#0Tip#8556:if you're struggling with a monster, play more against it. soon you'll find its rhythm and figure out how to hit it without getting hit back. dont trade hits, this is not a pokemon battle--arxxwyvnclaw#0Tip#8555:banbahara should die after stinging u, cuz that's how a wasp works--niko8.#0Tip#8554:if rajang turns to you, then does a delayed body slam, then expect him to do a backflip+thunderball followed by a turn and a laserbeam--arxxwyvnclaw#0Tip#8553:there's an area between area 2 and 10, and between area 10 and 9, where lavasioth cant hit you--arxxwyvnclaw#0Tip#8552:always bring 99 normal s lv2, 99 huskberry, and 99 needleberry so you'll never run out of good backup bullets--arxxwyvnclaw#0Tip#8551:you dont need to do all the bombs + clust + gl shelling on black fatalis since he doesnt have armor mode. only do that on crimson and white fatalis--arxxwyvnclaw#0Tip#8550:if yama attacks with his left tentacle first, his body will have turned slightly to the left after the attack animation. And vice versa--arxxwyvnclaw#0Tip#8549:Having a sweet candy in your mouth enhances the experience of kissing with your girl, let her know so you guys can share its sweetness together.--_zoac#0Tip#8548:= dirthouse dabest <:kekw:705165573394399383>--PolinĂ¡#7726Tip#8547:focus on village quest first, it really helps (dont become like me)--overlord_25#0Tip#8546:You can mine Suiko Jewel at the start of the game in Jungle Areas 7 and 8.--arxxwyvnclaw#0Tip#8545:The bonker the better.--dante_2842#0Tip#8544:i have reached 1 year of not playing HV :)--craigdan00b#0Tip#8543:Dont come to freedom unite. May god have mercy on your soul, cause this game wont.--zilentecho#0Tip#8542:if you look at teostra's attack from the explosions you can see some ashes it depends if they are yellow or red if they are red then it is a short distance attack if they are yellow it is long distance--cj_al_vegetal#0Tip#8541:write add tip--cj_al_vegetal#0Tip#8540:if you have an injured fatalis, but you joined someone else's fatalis quest and killed theirs, then your fatalis will also reset to full hp--arxxwyvnclaw#0Tip#8539:If you want to learn in depth about Monster Hunter Freedom Unite, go to the channel mhfu-pros and enjoy the mountains of knowledge you can get there :3--dante_2842#0Tip#8538:once I found a crowned black diablos a friend of mine call it big blag dck BBD--cj_al_vegetal#0