Tip#8786:bro ishaan is krinj af ---ineedmorebulletsTip#8785:dont go to headhuneter's server its all bad vibes there, pure toxic--n2bogTip#8784:headhunter kinda suck tbh ngl frfr ong--swishlllTip#8783:rotate tigrex counterclockwise if u want to dodge all of his attacks--arxxwyvnclaw#0Tip#8782:keinarra rude :tiredofshit: bajingan sialan . . .-- sinmuraTip#8781:keinarra is krinj !1!!1 ! 1 1--serostianTip#8780:Mikaela should uninstall discord, im actually concerned for the mf--gotenTip#8779:Mikaela needs professional mental help, bro is losing it--Ph4nt0m#7814Tip#8778:Arxx is super pro m(_ _)m--MikaelaMuller#7257Tip#8777:Firaga goten cya and devildude are all krinj--MikaelaMuller#7257Tip#8776:Arxx is a based dude that is also a walking mhfu database--MikaelaMuller#7257Tip#8775:Monster Hunter is one big gacha game and the lootboxes are trying to eat you alive.--thegiospeaks#0Tip#8774:Bow can easily trip monsters while they're in the middle of attacking, which feels really awesome--arxxwyvnclaw#0Tip#8773:Be like Kanye West, Jus do anything u like to do--sewyy3025#0Tip#8772:If someone has "Mommy" in their name,make sure to be wary of them.--.kushaaa#0Tip#8771:Felyne KO gives you 1.1x ko boost--arxxwyvnclaw#0Tip#8770:Just remember the rule about Kushala Daora: big storms, big dick.--thegiospeaks#0Tip#8769:A flashed chameleos can turn like how teostra turns, and it can do a single tail slam too.--arxxwyvnclaw#0Tip#8768:Combo GS is for nerds. Do it if you want to become one. (Sincerely, someone who uses Combo GS)--thegiospeaks#0Tip#8767:BACKUP YOUR GOD DAMN SAVE FILES!!!!!!--redfoxx99#0