Tip#8497:Agna will slither / dash (whatever u want to call it) to whichever direction u are facing, (considering u are the target) so turn away to avoid the hit.--niko8.#0Tip#8496:Mhfu is hard. But you are harder. Imagine not dying instantly when hit by a 2000 kg beast charging at you at 50 kph. Well, you get 2 shotted in g rank lol but still--arxxwyvnclaw#0Tip#8495:Ra3 S1 SS is the most useful general use damage set for most weapons. Get Ra2 S1 Earplug SS and Ra1 HGE S1 SSI too for anti roars--arxxwyvnclaw#0Tip#8494:if yama slams his two thin tentacles down, expect him to do the vortex afterwards. He might not, but it's always better to be prepared--arxxwyvnclaw#0Tip#8493:you can use left or right analog stick to slightly change the direction of your attack on some weapons, like in between lance / gunlance hop and stab, or between longsword triangle combos, or between gs combos--arxxwyvnclaw#0Tip#8492:deliver quartz stones in highrank swamp for fast pokke points (iodrome quest in gh) then just triple cart to keep all the points if u dont feel like hunting the bastard (cuz ur probably using a backpacker set anyway)--arxxwyvnclaw#0Tip#8491:2021 wyne is stupid and cringe--gin_hunter#0Tip#8490:Monster's parts will not break/sever while mid-air.--wyne5199#0Tip#8489:Fishing a Plesioth out of the water with a frog deals 100 fixed damage to him. It's the only TRULY fixed damage in the game, doesnt get affected by hzv or quest rank or rage modifiers--arxxwyvnclaw#0Tip#8488:for gunners, 370-380 def can get you to heroics hp with a single LBB+ when using bran+milk meal--arxxwyvnclaw#0Tip#8487:the dumbest ones are the one who claims they're the smartest--ZoaC#4899Tip#8486:staggering kirin while looking at around the same direction that kirin is looking will cause him to fall over. staggering kirin while looking in the opposite direction that kirin is looking will just flinch him.--arxxwyvnclaw#0Tip#8485:Don't use shampoo as lube.--wyne5199#0Tip#8484:use DB on basarios gravios and his family to get the maximum fun--niko8.#0Tip#8483:you can iframe gypceros' flash if you roll juuuust before your screen goes completely white. The timing is different depending on how far you are from gyp tho, cuz light doesn't travel as fast in mhfu--arxxwyvnclaw#0Tip#8482:barrel bombs have a small area of sonic effect that works like a sonic bomb on monsters near it--arxxwyvnclaw#0Tip#8481:Noobs practice til they get it right. Pros practice til they can't get it wrong.--th3manbehindtheslaughter.#0Tip#8480:you need to backup your savefile now--arxx0211#0Tip#8479:Shell is lr, Carapace is hr, Hvy Shell is g. Scale is lr, Scale+ is hr, Thck Scale is g.--arxx0211#0Tip#8478:solo hunts (without cat) is the easiest way to learn monster movement and patterns and how to properly counterattack them--arxx0211#0