Tip#8377:i never horny -null 2023--Arch ZurinZ#0392Tip#8376:plesioth's legs are not weak enough to element. If you cant reach the belly and can only hit legs, go for raw or poison instead of elemental sword--Λrxx#8631Tip#8375:wooop wooop, dass the sound of the police, Woop Woop das d sound of dah beast--RedFOXXX99#7911Tip#8374:multiplayer etiquette: prep your items AFTER joining the quest in the questboard so they will know that you're going to join for sure--Λrxx#8631Tip#8373:if you didnt enter the area first, your lv3 gs charge slash on the monster's head didnt actually hit the head lol. all that effort but no actual dmg sad--Λrxx#8631Tip#8372:run to the right when fighting tigrex. Run to the left when fighting rajang--Λrxx#8631Tip#8371:giant corn is from yellow seed--Λrxx#8631Tip#8370:knife mackerel can also be used as whetstone--Λrxx#8631Tip#8369:why did quen always bulli me <:peposad:797981032128315432>--Niko8#6971Tip#8368:gypceros will follow you if you change area after engaging him--Λrxx#8631Tip#8367:dont stand near rathalos tail when it is flashed, you will die--Λrxx#8631Tip#8366:u can abuse the diablos and monoblos dig on fu, when it doesn't enraged, make sure u bring a lot of sonic bombs <:feelsokayman:334964950772744202>--Niko8#6971Tip#8365:hit diablos's tail while he is digging and during his resurfacing animation so you can keep hitting his weakspot (tail) and never cut it off--Λrxx#8631Tip#8364:bowgun melee atk doesn't bounce on fatalis armor mode--Λrxx#8631Tip#8363:lao bow is SEVERELY underrated, u should go try it, especially against diablos, akantor, and pink rathian--Λrxx#8631Tip#8362:why is it called friendly fire? it's not friendly at all, you're killing your friends.--Wandamen46#7071Tip#8361:if you're deaf, just listen--A6#5555Tip#8360:Child of Destruction is the best quest for breaking horns. If you don't wanna break horns but you need it, you can do Diamond Dust--Λrxx#8631Tip#8359:Use Kirin LBG with Clust S Lv2 to kill crimson and white fatalis in armor mode (bring combines)--Λrxx#8631Tip#8358:Pulsa Darurat 15000 sdh ditambahkan ke nomor Anda. Pembayaran 21000 akan dipotong saat isi ulang berikutnya--A6#5555