Tip#8479:Shell is lr, Carapace is hr, Hvy Shell is g. Scale is lr, Scale+ is hr, Thck Scale is g.--arxx0211#0Tip#8478:solo hunts (without cat) is the easiest way to learn monster movement and patterns and how to properly counterattack them--arxx0211#0Tip#8477:diablos will resurface faster if you are in front of him by the time he finishes digging down. the opposite happens if you're behind him, cuz then he has to turn around while underground before charging at you--arxx0211#0Tip#8476:the last person you should be asking for mhfu tips is darkus--ZoaC#4899Tip#8475:nothing can truly oneshot you if you have the right armor and elemental resistance. Full Rajang X can survive yama's vortex and fatalis crawl attack--arxx0211#0Tip#8474:Remember getting access to knowledge that you shouldn’t have via a mod isn’t cheating. Otherwise <#758774562304688158> is filled with cheaters--mahiro__chan#0Tip#8473:always bring cool drink regardless of what quest, so you dont have to be 'oh no i forgot cool drinks'. you dont need so many empty inventory slots anyway--arxx0211#0Tip#8472:Whenever your friend is having a bad day in Monster Hunter give them /watch?v=ALpYLsZs6d8--mahiro__chan#0Tip#8471:Throw sonic at peco when he try to call or buff his companion, it'll cancel the call/buff.--niko8.#0Tip#8470:daora's tail has an active hitbox that can hit you when he is shooting straight wind blasts from the air--arxx0211#0Tip#8469:In Barony it takes about 13-15 flame traps to murder the Minotaur before Herx. After Herx, it takes about 18 or more, the Minotaur is also faster--mahiro__chan#0Tip#8468:If the tail has been cut let the LS users snipe the head for damage, duckheads--levirince#0Tip#8467:Don't listen to Arxx. There is no reason to use LS.--devil_dude#0Tip#8466:Babies are the only thing that comes out of another person, that strangers wanna hold.--wandamen46#0Tip#8465:if there's a cheater in your room, go report it in #report-cheaters. You'll need to get HV High IQ role first tho, ask around and they'll tell you how to get it--arxx0211#0Tip#8464:In p3, snow and mud can remove your super armor buff, be it from adamant pills or hh buff. Better watch out!--Ujang#3305Tip#8463:sleeping monsters regenerate hp over time. if you hit it, your damage will be multiplied 3x, but this only applies to the first damage you apply. so, if you wanna bomb it, only one of your bombs will get the 3x multiplier--arxx0211#0Tip#8462:Don't listen to tip #8460 and #8461 Both suck using LS and always getting tripped by LS--sharonmyoi#0Tip#8461:if you are reading this you are forbidden from using lonsgword for the rest of the day--cyarolin#0Tip#8460:LS =Weeb = Trash. Don't use LS--niko8.#0