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Why Support HunsterVerse through Donation?

We all love playing Monster Hunter with friends online. The ability to play online, however, does not come easily with the PSP versions of the game. HunsterVerse gives you the trouble-free opportunity to play your game online. In reality, playing online via HunsterVerse is not free. As the admin to the server, I have to bear the costs of all that goes into maintaining HunsterVerse as a free service. Each month, HunsterVerse generates about 3 TiB of traffic data! That amount of traffic is both amazing, but at the same time is costly.

I am the main developer behind HunsterVerse. This means that that most of my free time goes into adding new features and more security in order to keep everyone's experience going smoothly.

All of our mods and helper mods (the ones on Discord) who keep our community free of cheaters do so for free and mostly out of the love they have for the Game. They spend a tremendous amount of their time doing services for HunsterVerse.

It would be great to show some appreciation for the mods, helper mods, and to also help with the cost involved into maintaining HunsterVerse alive. If you would like to support HunsterVerse please consider becoming a Patron or even making a small one-time donation (whatever the amount is, it will be greatly appreciated!).

We would like to keep the service free for as long as we can. With your help, we can achieve this goal.

You can also send something (postcard, letter, anything that is legal) to following address: New Address Coming Soon

As a donator, you will receive the following perks:

  1. You name will be listed here: here for all to see.
  2. Your name will glow when you appear on the Online Gathering hall here.
  3. You will have access to HV Lobby C for PPSSPP gaming. You can invite 3 other people to that lobby when playing!
  4. On Discord you will be able to use the !c paint command to change your username color with all available colors!
  5. If you make a request or a suggestion, that request or suggestion will be prioritized.
  6. If you donate $5 or more, your !vote2kick will count an extra point so you will have more powers to kick gathering hall snipers!
  7. You will receive a shoutout on the server so that all hunters know you are a HunsterVerse supporter!
  8. You will get a 20% off coupon to use at the HVStore
  9. If you donate $10 or more, you can submit a custom icon that will appear next to your hunter's name when the !gh, !c myq, !c sq, !c mygh commands are used and also in the online GH hall here.

Donate via paypal by clicking below:
Note: If you get an error using the above paypal link, send your donation to [email protected].

Note: If you have some extra money, feel free to share it with our good friends who created PPSSPP Here.

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