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HV Posted Quests
Current Quests (In the Gathering Hall)
These quests will appear in the Online Gathering Hall here. Simply click on the
arrow ▼ to see the details of the quest.
To add a quest, type on Discord:
!proto addQuest FU QUEST INFO GHXX
FU:GH13 make wyvernbld cam [4/4] Posted 67 minute(s) ago by creativemankey\\_09480#0
FU:GH18 silver los farming quest [1/4] Posted 119 minute(s) ago by ando.83#0
Future Coordinated Quests
Are you trying to recruit people to complete a challenge? Are you trying to let people know you that you are a n00b scrub and you need to be carried?
Or are you just trying to gather up people for some MH fun?
The Future Coordinated Quests is what you need. Simply post your quest on discord with a future date and just wait... hopefully people
will join.All times are in GMT to make coordination easier.
Join the fun on discord here here.
To post a quest on discord, type !proto addFutureQuest DESCRIPTION in XX [minutes|hours|days|weeks|month]
To join, type on DISCORD !proto joinFutureQuest QID
Current Time 2024-Dec-22 02:10:13+00:00
QID458: seggss in 6971502997d06h53m by NuII#9755 for 19089351-Nov-18 09:04+00:00
To join, type on DISCORD !proto joinFutureQuest QID
Current Time 2024-Dec-22 02:10:13+00:00
QID458: seggss in 6971502997d06h53m by NuII#9755 for 19089351-Nov-18 09:04+00:00
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