Monster Data/Weakness

Here are the illustrated weaknesses of a few monsters. Thanks to Team Weakness for their great work and for Nanner Toast (Wubbablooo) for great illustrations!
If you are looking for the weakness of a monster, do a quick search (CTRL+F).

Shout-out to Dusty Uncle for the HunsterMonter-like descriptions.

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Type !c weak MONSTER_NAME to see the monster weakness on discord.
Type !c monsterdata MONSTER_NAME to see the data of a monster


First Monster in the HunsterVerse MH Globe, this monster has no weakness. Maybe donate ?\

Description: This monster hides so well, there is no description about it. It is said that its tracks spell 'Donate, donate now!'.


aka Steve Weakness: (not enraged), (enraged)
Prepare: Armorskin, Mega Armorskin, Nulberry (P3rd)
Break: Tusks (x2), Left Claw, Right Claw, Tail (Sever)

Description: Satan's pet iguana. Powerful, but very stupid and slow.

Ashen Lao Shan Lung

aka SPAGHET Weakness:
Prepare: Anything to maximize DPS.
Break: Horn (x2), Left Shoulder, Right Shoulder, Back

Description: Lao Shan Lung only blue... DABBA DEE DABBA DAI!

Azure Rathalos

aka AzuLos Weakness: (MHW)
Prepare: Flash Bombs, Antidote
Break: Crown, Left Wing, Right Wing, Tail (Sever)
Weakness sign : Limping

Description: The Rathalos' cooler brother. Enjoys flying, the sky, wind under its wings, and more flying. He ought to get a life.


aka Diglett Weakness:
Prepare: Antidote
Break: Chest (x2), Tail (Sever)
Weakness sign : Limping

Description: aka **Diglett** Seriously? You want to bully baby wyverns? Who's the real monster now?


aka Blan Weakness:
Prepare: Thawing Agent
Break: Fangs (with ) , Tail (Sever)
Weakness sign : Limping, cheeks change color to dark blue

Description: The whitest monkey you'll ever meet. Loves the snow, hates paintballs, and listens to really bad pop music.

Black Gravios

aka Bgrav Weakness:
Prepare: Large Barrel Bombs
Break: Chest (x2), Tail (Sever)
Weakness sign : Limping

Description: A wyvern that will leave you sore, I'MMA FIRIN' MY LAZ0R!!

Black Diablos

aka bblos aka Horny Weakness:
Prepare: Sonic Bombs
Break: Horns (x2), Tail (Sever)
Weakness sign : Limping, Get enraged after one hit

Description: The horniest waifu. The moment she sees you, she'll be falling all over you... or was it the other way around?

Blue Yian Kut-Ku

aka BYKK Weakness:
Prepare: Nothing. It's just a Kut-Ku. <338245734392528906>
Break: Ears
Weakness sign : Limping, ears folded back

Description: A relevant threat, but blue.


aka Bdrome Weakness:
Weakness sign : Moving to other area

Description: A Bullfango, just bigger.


aka Cdrome Weakness:
Prepare: Sonic Bombs
Break: Dorsal Fin
Weakness sign : Back fin fold back, Limping (rarely)

Description: Loves the sand even if it's coarse, rough, irritating, and gets everywhere. Also loves to tire hunters out if they lack Sonic Bombs.


aka Cham Weakness: ,
Prepare: Antidote, Armorskin, Mega Armorskin, Power Juice, Mega Juice, Gourmet Steak, no rare items
Break: Horn (with ), Tail (Sever)
Weakness sign : Limping

Description: A connosieur of finer cuisine such as gourmet steaks, power/armor charms, and power/armor talons.


Prepare: Deodorant, Antidote (just in case it uses poison breath)
Break: Hairdo, Left Claw, Right Claw, Tail (whenever it's holding something)
Weakness sign : Limping

Description: Fat, smelly, and stupid. Has little to no manners.

Copper Blangonga

Prepare: Traps
Break: Fangs (with ), Tail (Sever)
Weakness sign : Limping

Description: Rafiki from the Lion King, except he lived off of raw meat and protein shakes.

Crimson Fatalis

Prepare: Max Potions, Lifepowder (with friends), Mega Juice, Mega Armorskin, Mega Demondrug, Cool Drink, Extra Whetstones and Ammo
Break: Face (x3), Chest, Wings

Description: The director of the Transformers movie series. If you're lucky, you'll be cast as an extra.

Daimyo Hermitaur

Prepare: Sonic Bomb
Break: Left Claw, Right Claw, Skull Shell (x2) (with Impact)
Weakness sign : Froths Bubble(2nd Gen), Limping(4th gen)

Description: Loves money and will always get in your face with its BIG. MEATY. CLAWS!


Prepare: Sonic Bombs
Break: Horns (x2), Tail (Sever)
Weakness sign : Limping, get enraged after one hit

Description: The jumpscare master.

Emerald Congalala

Prepare: Deodorant, Antidote (just in case it uses poison breath)
Break: Hairdo, Left Claw, Right Claw, Tail (whenever it's holding something)
Weakness sign : Limping

Description: Like a regular Congalala except it didn't bathe for so long, moss began growing over its body. Yuck!


Prepare: Max Potions, Lifepowder (with friends), Mega Juice, Mega Armorskin, Mega Demondrug, Extra Whetstones and Ammo
Break: Face (x3), Chest, Wings

Description: Ye olde black dragone.


Weakness sign : Fleeing to other area, Limping(4th Gen)

Description: You'll love it when this guy touches you. You'll be tingly all over!


Prepare: Thawing Agent
Weakness sign : Fleeing to another area

Description: A Giaprey leader that actually keeps the loyalty of its pack through fear and free ice cream.

Gold Rathian

Weakness: (P3rd)
Prepare: Flash Bombs, Antidote, Nulberry (P3rd)
Break: Crown, Left Wing, Right Wing, Tail (Sever)
Weakness sign : Limping

Description: A gold-digging Rathian that took advantage of her silver sugardaddy.

Green Plesioth

Prepare: Your face for hipchecks.
Break: Dorsal Fin
Weakness sign : Back fin folds down, Limping

Description: Because the regular Plesioth was so several hipchecks ago.


Prepare: Large Barrel Bombs
Break: Chest (x2), Tail (Sever)
Weakness sign : Limping

Description: Okay, that's a better challenge. Pack your coffee because he'll fart you to sleep.


Prepare: Antidote, No shock traps - he's immune!
Break: Crest
Weakness sign : Limping

Description: A rubber turkey stuffed with poison and cancerous YouTube videos.


Prepare: To sleep.
Break: Beak
Weakness sign : Limping, back feathers fold down while enraged

Description: The Taekwondo master of the Monster Hunter universe.


Prepare: Antidote
Weakness sign : Limping

Description: Spews vitriol and will laugh at you when it hurts your feelings. A real bully.


Prepare: Traps
Break: Face/Back
Weakness sign : Limping, Motionless gesture

Description: Calling it a dickhead isn't even an insult anymore.


Prepare: To ride the lightning.
Break: None

Description: If you didn't think unicorns existed, don't worry; the Kirin will prove it to you by tearing you a new one.

Kushala Daora

Prepare: Thawing Agent (in the snow), Lightning Rods
Break: Crown, Wings, Tail (Sever)
Weakness sign : Limping, certain parts break

Description: A dragon that played Skyrim a little too much.

Lao Shan Lung

Prepare: Anything to maximize DPS.
Break: Horn (x2), Left Shoulder, Right Shoulder, Back

Description: A huge-ass dragon that moves at the speed of a geriatric. Be careful of the tailswipe!


Prepare: Cool Drink
Break: Face, Back
Weakness sign : Lava stopped flowing in its body(visible), Limping

Description: Like a Plesioth but hotter. A former underwear model.


Prepare: Immunizer/Gourmet Fish
Break: Crown (with ), Wings, Tail (Sever)

Description: A blue demon-lion whose got a face only a mother could love. Too hot to handle, so approach with caution!


Prepare: Sonic Bombs
Break: Horn, Tail (Sever)
Weakness sign : Limping, Get enraged after one hit

Description: Why joust lances with your friend when you can joust your lance with a Monoblos' horn? It's more fun and painful, too!


Prepare: Flash Bombs, Traps
Break: Face, Left Wing, Right Wing, Tail (Scar, Sever directly (MHP3RD) when enraged(MHFU))
Weakness sign : Limping

Description: The black cat dragon of sheer edgy weebness. Naruto is its favorite anime.

Pink Rathian

Prepare: Flash Bombs, Antidote
Break: Crown, Left Wing, Right Wing, Tail (Sever)
Weakness sign : Limping

Description: A girly-girl Rathian. Enjoys long walks on the beach, shopping, getting her nails done, and checking out hot Rathalos boys! LIEK OH EM GEE!


Prepare: Your face for hipchecks.
Break: Dorsal Fin
Weakness sign : Limping(very rarely), Back fin folds down

Description: Everybody's sempai. Get to know it better and its hips will be moving on their own. ;)

Plum Daimyo Hermitaur

Prepare: Sonic Bomb
Break: Left Claw, Right Claw, Skull Shell (x2) (with Impact)
Weakness sign : Limping(4th Gen), Froths Bubble in its mouth(2nd Gen)

Description: A Daimyo that went to the same school the Garuga did. They shared such edgy, angsty moments together.

Purple Gypceros

Prepare: Antidote, No shock traps - he's immune!
Break: Crest
Weakness sign : Limping, Plays Death

Description: A more toxic version of the plain Gypceros. Badmouths you for being a noob and will cry foul if the support didn't heal him.


Prepare: Your sense of humor because you'll die a lot.
Break: Horns (x2), Tail (Sever) (with )
Weakness sign : Limping

Description: ... Now you know why Goku wasn't allowed to have pets.


Weakness: (FU)/ (P3rd)
Prepare: Flash Bombs, Antidote, Nulberry (P3rd)
Break: Crown, Left Wing, Right Wing, Tail (Sever)
Weakness sign : Limping

Description: The hasubando of Rathian. Majestic, fierce, powerful, protective, and DILF-material.


Prepare: Flash Bombs, Antidote, Nulberry (P3rd)
Break: Crown, Left Wing, Right Wing, Tail (Sever)
Weakness sign : Limping

Description: The waifu of Rathalos. Motherly, angry, frightening, and MILF-material.

Red Khezu

Prepare: Traps
Break: Face/Back
Weakness sign : Limping, Stand still for a few sec

Description: Your circumcision patient.

Shen Gaoren

Prepare: Anything to maximize DPS.
Break: Legs (x2 for each, repeatable), Shell (x2) (Damage)

Description: An all-day crab buffet. Its weaknesses are garlic and butter.

Shogun Ceanataur

Prepare: To dodge a lot.
Break: Left Claw, Right Claw, Skull Shell (Repeatable)
Weakness sign : Limping(4th Gen), Froths purple bubble(2nd Gen)

Description: A crab whose pincers can cut through anything. Its specialties are gardening, logging, and arts and crafts.

Silver Rathalos

Prepare: Flash Bombs, Antidote, Nulberry (P3rd)
Break: Crown, Left Wing, Right Wing, Tail (Sever)
Weakness sign : Limping

Description: The pimp sugar-daddy wyvern. Got too much bling to count and spoils Gold Rathian with cash and gifts.


Prepare: Immunizer/Gourmet Fish
Break: Crown (with ), Wings, Tail (Sever)
Weakness sign : Limping, certain parts break

Description: A demon lion dragon all the way from hell. Randomly breaks into song about killing you if left alone long enough.

Terra Shogun Ceanataur

Weakness: (on shell)
Prepare: To dodge a lot.
Break: Left Claw, Right Claw, Skull Shell (Repeatable)
Weakness sign : Froths purple Bubble

Description: The Shogun's superior and resident serial killer. Drinks regularly with the likes of Jason Voorhees, Freddy Krueger, and Nicholas Cage.


Prepare: Flash Bombs, Traps
Break: Face, Left Claw, Right Claw, Tail (Sever)
Weakness sign : Limping/

Description: The other wyverns told him to lay off of the sugar and caffeine but he never listened. He is brimming with energy and sports a winning smile.


Prepare: Thawing Agent, Cleanser (P3rd), Nulberry (P3rd)
Break:Chin (x2), Left Claw, Right Claw, Chest, Back, Tail (Sever)

Description: What do you get when you cross a polar bear, a dragon, and a modern-day tank?


Weakness sign : Moving to other area

Description: Smart enough to open doors, dumb enough to get caught in traps.

Vespoid Queen

Prepare: Armorskin, Mega Armorskin
Break: None

Description: The maker of an award-winning perfume. After testing her samples, you'll win the attention of her Vespoid army.

White Fatalis

Prepare: Max Potions, Lifepowder (with friends), Mega Juice, Mega Armorskin, Mega Demondrug, Extra Whetstones and Ammo
Break: Face (x3), Chest, Wings

Description: Okay, now you're just showing off.

White Monoblos

Prepare: Sonic Bombs
Break: Horn, Tail (Sever)
Weakness sign : Limping //

Description: A Monoblos that doesn't get out of the house much.

Yian Garuga

Prepare: Antidote
Break: Ears (x2), Beak, Left Wing, Right Wing (Must break both to count!), Back, Tail (Sever)
Weakness sign : Ears folding back

Description: A Kut-Ku adopted by Rath parents. Grew up filled with angst, rage, and a college degree.

Yian Kut-Ku

Prepare: Nothing. It's just a Kut-Ku.
Break: Ears
Weakness sign : Limping, ears folding back

Description: A relevant threat.


Prepare: Lifepowder when someone gets the succ, duck the helicopter, fear the mustache slam
Break: Tentacles

Description: A mossy, smelly octopus with a bad dental problem. At least it's got personality. Ladies, it's single!
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